Chapter 6

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The very next day, Sal was still in the hospital. Izzy wanted to make sure that he had made a full recovery. Unable to really get to other places alone (Michael didn't know how to drive in the US yet), Jeremy volunteered to drive him for the day. Michael felt lucky, he didn't really want to be alone yet. As they drove around town, Jeremy saw that Michael was staring out the window, as if the outside world was going to disappear again.

Jeremy tried to reassure, "Don't worry, Michael. You never have to worry about the outside world disappearing on you ever again."

Michael turned to his new friend as he stated, "Oh I know I did my time, though I am going to avoid committing major crimes."

Jeremy replied, chuckling a bit, "Yeah, I can see why you would want to do that." Michael looked at Jeremy, as if in deep thought. Jeremy saw this and instantly asked, "What? Do I have something on my face?"

The oldest Afton child shook his head as he answered, "No, not that. You seem like you have everything together and I must admit, I'm jealous. Your father and mother were good to you."

The older Fitzgerald child gripped the steering wheel, grabbing Michael's attention. At a red light, Jeremy stopped the vehicle and barely looked at the other man in the car. Michael automatically did a double take, seeing the tears in his eyes.

He quietly explained, "They died in a car accident when Connie and I were young. They died instantly..."

Michael looked down sadly, "I'm sorry, I didn't know..."

Jeremy sniffled, "Thank you... But if you are looking for a good father in any of our families, you are kind of out of luck."

"How so?" The oldest Afton child questioned.

The older Fitzgerald child sighed as he explained, "I'll start with Maya first. Her old man abused her and her mother for years. When they were finally able to say something, the bastard passed away."

"Geese..." Michael breathed.

Jeremy further explained, "As for Izzy, Ester kept telling me that - as she put it 'no good drunken excuse for a husband' - had his rights stripped of him. He can't see Izzy at all and Izzy doesn't even remember what her old man looks like, since it all took place when she was three. That and any evidence of family photos of them all together, Ester burned it all."

"Wow poor Izzy..." Michael gasped.

"I know, it was bad." Jeremy agreed as the two of them arrived at Freddy's on Anderson Road. "Here we are. Hell on earth." He told Michael.

Jeremy parked his Honda, turning off the engine. He and Michael got out of the Honda and walked to the door of Freddy's. An older gentleman was waiting for them, quietly.

"Hey Bill." Jeremy greeted, shaking his hand.

"Hello Jeremy." Bill greeted back, returning his handshake. He turned to Michael and added, "You must be Michael."

Michael nodded as he replied, "Yes I am."

Bill introduced, "I am Bill Alana, the current CEO of Freddy's."

Michael responded, "Pleased to meet you. Sorry I couldn't be here last night."

Jeremy added, "Yeah, something big came up."

Bill waved it off as he told them, "Don't worry about it. Let's just have you look around before the night shift."

As Bill took them on a tour, Freddy glared at them as their backs were turned.

"By the way, Bill, why does he get the upgrades?" Jeremy half-complained.

"They aren't exactly upgrades, Fitzgerald." Bill stated firmly. "These are animantronics are dangerous. Especially at night."

"Oh joy, more nightmares for me..." Michael groaned, not really into this.

"You have had nightmares?" Jeremy asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, long story..." Michael answered, waving it off.

Bill explained, "As you are well aware, Freddy Fazbear's Pizza will close by the end of the year.  The night shift is powered by the backup generator. It turns on at the same time you start your shift and it turns off at the end of it. All you have to do is watch the cameras, close the doors, and such that there."

Jeremy stated, "Seems about right. Question mark on that last part."

Michael replied, "Yeah, on that we agree."


"You did what?!" Henry breathed, taking a step back in shock.

"I made those animantronics that way." William repeated, an uneasy smile on his face.

"How could you?! Because of you, our company is now in shambles! It will fall because you have no clue of what you are doing!" Henry hissed, ignoring William's creepy smile.

"Oh, I have more knowledge than you ever realized." William admitted.

"How could you do such a thing?!" Henry asked, the tears in eyes.

How could his best friend be so cruel? How could this be happening?! Before Henry could say anything, he heard a gunshot going off. Henry went down to the ground, the bullet in his head. William pulled back his shaking arm, the tears in his eyes too.

He lowered his head as he mumbled, "I have these urges, you see. I can't control them at times. They are mostly against children, which is why I killed your daughter. My first kill...and then that stupid puppet..." He chuckled darkly, putting his gun away. He added, "You know Henry, you really ought to be thanking me. I now have control of the company. And soon, the animantronics, all of them, will be working for my purpose. Collect kids so that I may unlock the secret of live - so that I may bring Lilly back."

William made quick work of the place, making it seem that Henry had killed himself with suicide. He left with the same tears in his eyes. He hated having these urges, he had them ever since he was a teenager. But instead of seeking help, he instead started to go the path of darkness. And the path was one that he was going to stay on until the end of his life.


Wishmaker1028: Sorry there was no update yesterday, I was enjoying Easter with my fiance and his family. I did try working on it yet it didn't work that well. So here you guys go! Please read and review! And always think outside of the box!

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