Chapter 9

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Meanwhile, Jeremy was at the apartment that he was sharing with Izzy. The blonde girl was sound asleep in her bed as Jeremy was checking his scar, using a hand mirror. The scar was the same size as it had been since it was fully healed. Jeremy recovered the scar, looking over at his girlfriend. She had another long night at the hospital so she was sleeping soundly.

Jeremy got up from his bed quietly. He kissed her forehead and retreated to the living room. To him, life was good. He had his girl, he had his sister and his friends, and once in his life - a good job. He had a job at a dental office, being a receptionist. He checked his watch and headed out quietly. He didn't have work for another hour but Izzy was sleeping so soundly, he didn't want to wake her.


Izzy was walking into a ballroom, wearing a beautiful dark pink dress that showed off her beauty perfectly. Her hair was pulled back into a ponytail as she wore makeup. Her dark pink heels tapped along the floor to an older man. He looked over at her. He had short graying dirty blonde hair, hazel eyes, wearing a rather regal looking suit. It was dark blue in color. He held the jacket on his arm, showing off his light blue long sleeved undershirt and black tie. He outstretched his hand to her and she took it without hesitation. The two of them started to dance, with Izzy letting the man take the lead. His moves were flawless as the smile on her face was apparent.

"You are an amazing dancer." Izzy complimented.

The man didn't respond verbally but as he spun Izzy beautifully, Izzy felt the sense of protection. She often felt that whenever her Mom was about but this time, it was coming from her dance partner. As he brought her close to him and dipped her carefully, Izzy felt the ping in her heart. The man was quiet, bringing her to her feet again, their eyes locking. Just then, he gasped loudly, hitting the ballroom floor. Izzy gasped, seeing a pool of blood coming out of him.

"Oh no!" She cried, trying to go over to him.

But when she did, her mother appeared.

"Mom!" Izzy breathed.

"Let him die! He has done so much evil to you." Ester stated, staying between them.

"I can't!" Izzy declared.

"You can't..." Ester creepily declared, her face turning into the demented face of Freddy.

Izzy gasped, screaming loudly.


Izzy sat up in her bed, clearly startled. She panted and realized that it was nothing but a dream. She panted as she had a cold sweat going down her body. She didn't know what that meant but that man... Was that man supposed to represent her father?


Michael finally opened his eyes, seeing Maya there, sipping on her coffee. Ballora was there too but she was powered down. Michael looked over at Maya, clearing his throat. Maya looked, seeing Michael was up.

"Finally awake?" She teased.

"How long was I out?" Michael asked.

"Not too long, though no one would blame you." Maya answered truthfully. She sat down next to Michael. They were in the break room and Michael was laying on the couch. She asked, "So what now?"

Michael looked thoughtful as he pondered Maya's question. While he still had work at Freddy's to do, he couldn't very well bring in Ballora into the place. Granted, he knew that Ballora didn't mean him any harm but since Ennard was still out there, looking for him... Wait a minute.

"Was there any tracking device on her?" Michael asked.

"Not that we saw." Maya explained.

"I don't want to bring her with me to work. It's not like I don't trust her but I don't trust Ennard." Michael pointed out.

"Got me on that one." Maya stated.

"So I think I want to try something." Michael replied.

Maya blinked in confusion. She couldn't help but wonder what Michael meant by that.


Connie was typing on her laptop, working on her research paper. Rachael was still asleep so Connie went to the computer lab to work. She rubbed her eyes, since they were starting to hurt her.

"Are you alright, my dear?" A male voice asked.

Connie looked up, seeing an older man there. It was Dave Miller. He was a teacher assistant on campus and Connie had been going to him for his help. She smiled at him.

"I'm fine, Mr. Miller." Connie answered.

"Oh please, don't be so formal, Connie. I would appreciate it if you called me Dave." Dave insisted.

"You know, you are the coolest teacher assistant I know!" Connie stated.

Dave blushed out of modesty as he replied, "Now Connie, there is no need to be bloating my ego." Connie giggled as he asked, "Now, are you alright?"

Connie answered, "Yeah, mostly. I have been working really hard on this research paper. I know it isn't due until two weeks from now but I rather not do it at last minute."

Dave nodded respectfully, "You are one of the smart ones, Connie. Although that doesn't say much about the rest of your classmates."

To that, Connie laughed before it was cut off by a yawn.

She apologized, "Oh I'm sorry. I don't want to be rude but I am tired. I was on the phone last night with my older brother."

"How is Jeremy anyhow?" Dave asked, concerned.

"He's been doing fine. I just can't help but worry about him since his frontal lobe is gone." Connie admitted.

"He lives a full life, Connie. Be glad for that." Dave advised.

"I am, believe me." Connie replied.

Dave took a look at her screen, seeing that she was doing research on the history of Freddy's Fazbears Pizzeria. He looked back at her, seeing her yawning again.

"Connie, as much as you worry about your brother, you need to worry about yourself. You can't overwork or over worry yourself." Dave instructed.

Connie started to protest, "Yeah but..."

Dave closed out the windows, shut down her laptop, and gave it to her.

"Now pile yourself into bed, young lady. You have class in three hours and you don't need to be tired." Dave insisted.

" win this one." Connie responded, taking up her backpack. She slid it onto her left shoulder and added, "Thanks Dave..."

As Connie walked out of the computer lab, Dave watched her go. He sneered a little bit. He thought, 'Stupid Bill. Why does he think he is the boss of me?! I am not closing my company at the end of the year! It will remain open! I shall be granted my rightful place with my family again. Bill, you are mine!' With that, Dave left the computer lab himself.


Wishmaker1028: I don't have to tell you guys who Dave Miller is, now do I? Haha! Please read and review! And always think outside of the box!

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