Chapter 7

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That night, Michael had been dropped off to Freddy's by Jeremy. The former night guard gave him some instruction on some of the animantronics.

"Whatever you do, listen to Phone Guy." Jeremy instructed.

Michael walked into Freddy's, the smell of burnt pizza replaced with a much more vulgar smell. Michael almost gagged.

"Ew, what is that stench?" He asked, trying to hold back his accent.

Since Ennard had a bad reaction to his accent, he decided to try and hold it back as much as possible.

"That probably would be them." The night janitor stated, working near Michael.

"The animantronics you mean?" Michael asked, reading his name tag.

Rick, the tag read. He was about Sal's age, having chestnut hair, blue eyes, wearing his janitor uniform of a blue top, black pants, and black sneakers. He finished mopping the floor, right behind Michael.

"Yeah, I think those poor missing kids are stuffed into those things." Rick told Michael.

"I knew that already..." Michael grumbled.

"Pardon?" Rick asked, not quite hearing Michael.

Michael quickly corrected, "I mean, you don't say..."

Rick changed the subject, "Anyways, good tidings kid."

As he left for the night, Michael headed straight for the office. He knew what to expect - he just didn't know when to expect them.


Midnight came fast. The phone started to ring as Michael answered it.

"And you must be Phone Guy." He teased, expecting a recording.

"And you must be an asshole." The voice shot.

Michael felt a bit flustered and stammered, "W - wait. Jeremy said that you only left recordings."

Phone Guy heavily sighed, "Normally, I would. I have been working at this place for God knows how long. But I am the first to tell you, I'm the only one probably looking out for you. Except maybe your new friends and Officer Schmidt."

Michael picked up on that and started to ask, "How do you know..."

That's when Phone Guy interrupted, "But everyone else wants you dead kid. I was thinking about it for awhile and Bill wouldn't pull a stunt like this. Dean probably had his hand in the whole thing."

Michael paled as he asked, "What are you talking about?"

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