"Yeah, I've also learnt to keep it tidy" he says with a smile.

Oh that smile! How I've missed it. 

"That's good" I said, still standing awkwardly.

"Please Kaia, take a seat" he says.

I walk over to the couch, remove my bag and take a seat. Ash is seated on the edge of his bed, just opposite me. 

I look down at the floor, not even sure why I wanted to come up here with him. This just complicates things even more.

Ash hunches over forward and runs his fingers through his hair. He looks tensed, like he's about to drop a bomb on me.

"Kaia, the way things ended between us---" 

"No. Please don't mention that again, please" I cut him off.

He looks up at my face then sighs.

"Kaia, let me talk please. I promise it will be worth your time" he said.

The look on his face tells me that maybe he's sincere, maybe this is not another game. 

"Okay, fine" I said, folding my arms and leaning back. 

"Now, as I was saying before you cut me off- the way things ended between us was bad and I apologize for that. I liked you Kaia and I still like you now but that night at the party was just a big mess and I'm sorry I did that to you".

"You don't have to apologize, it's been six weeks now since the incident and I feel that if you were truly sorry, you would have apologized on the same night" I said.

"I tried to Kaia, please believe me. But Yvonne made me stay. She told me not to go after you that night. I didn't wanna hurt you Kaia, you mean everything to me".

I can't believe he just said that. I don't think I mean everything to him. If I did, we would still be together right now. 

"I think Yvonne means more to you than I do" I said, grabbing my bag and attempting to leave.

Ash stops me and puts my bag back down. He gently holds me and asks me to sit back down. 
And like the mindless robot that I am, I take a seat again. 

"Yvonne means nothing to me, nothing at all. She blackmailed me that night, she threatened to go to the cops about my dad's business. Her dad is a cop so I had to do whatever she wanted and that night she wanted to put on a show in front of everyone. You just happened to be there when it took place" he said, looking down at the floor. 

I stare at him for a while, not saying anything-- just looking at him. He looks frustrated, he keeps running his fingers through his hair, I'm pretty sure he's done that more than 3 times in the past 2 minutes. 

"So you're telling me you don't like her?" I asked curiously.

"I hate her Kaia, I really do. She tore us apart and I won't stop until I have something to use against her the way she did to me" Ash said.

Thinking of everything Ash is telling me right now, I think I've been underestimating Yvonne this whole time. This shows that she can go to any lengths to rid me from Ash's life. I'm beginning to think that it was her that planted the drugs in Ash's apartment then tipped the cops off. 

"If everything you're saying is true, why didn't you just tell me after it happened? You could have saved me from a alot of crying sessions and being depressed" I said to him. 

"I thought it would be best if I stayed away from you. I'm not a good person. I didn't want to put you in danger. I'm sorry you had to go through what you did, trust me- I thought about you every single day after that" he said. 

I take a deep breath and look around his room, trying to take in everything he's telling me. 

"So it was all because of her?" I asked.

"Yes! Kaia, yes!" Ash says, slipping off the bed and kneeling before me.

"Well, what happens now?" I asked impatiently. I don't know where this is headed.

Ash moves closer to me and places a hand on my tear stained cheek. 

"I don't know what will happen but one thing's for sure. I'm in love with you Kaia and I don't want to fight it anymore. I can't stay away from you and I won't". 

My hearts leaps up into my throat, beating wildly and I swallow hard to put it back in place. 
I think I've turned pale because my fingers feel icy cold. 

Ash is now just inches away from my face and I close my eyes, not able to look into his deep green eyes. I can't. 

It's as if my body has a mind of it's own when Ash suddenly kisses me and I respond to it almost immediately. 

As our kiss gets more heated, he wraps me up in his arms and I wrap my legs around him. It feels like I'm on a cloud again. I feel stress free, calm. It's like all the best feelings in one. 

Ash slowly stands up and carries me over to his bed, his lips never breaking from mine. I feel so lost in this moment, this is all I've craved for since we parted. I run my fingers through his hair as he gently places me on his bed.
Now he's hovering over me and his breath lightly fans my face. 
I open my eyes to look at him. He looks angelic. His eyes look lighter than before and he looks heavenly on top of me. 

"I'm in love with you too, Ash" I say with a smile.

"I knew it" he says with a smirk. 

He kisses me again, this time with more passion. He tastes divine and I don't want to break away from him. Ash plants kisses all over my neck and I feel euphoric. My heart is beating so fast I feel as if it's going to pop out of my chest anytime. 

"Can we?" he asks as he slides his hand down to my jeans. He then stops and waits for my response. 

"Yes" I say breathlessly. 


Life Of Kaia (Complete)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant