Plane Wrecked Heart

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A nice sunny afternoon on an island far from the reach of any human...

"Hey egghead catch me if you can!" Sonic says running through a valleys canyon.

" It's Egg-man, how many times to I have to tell you, you little blue pinnapled freak!"Eggman yells.

Okay scratch that, one "human".

"Hey those aren't very kind words Egghead."replies Sonic teasingly.

"Errrrg, say a smart comment like that again and see what happens!" Eggman said aggravated.

Sonic suddenly stopped at the edge of a cliff, a dark abyss beheld itself just below where the blue hedgehog stood. "

"Bring it on Eggface." Sonic said with a grin.

Thought you would never ask."replied Eggman sardonically. Suddenly a robot dropped randomly from the sky landing on it's two feet.

"Say hello to lazerbot2000 , he is the lastest model!" Eggman said proudly.

"Looks just like a pile of scrap metal to me." Says Sonic rolling his eyes.

"Hah hah Sonic, very funny - but I won't let you amuse me any longer, Lazerbot, ATTACK!" Eggman screamed.

Lazerbot shoots a Lazer out of it's one eye that hits directly were Sonic was standing.

"Can't catch me, like I said Egghead." Sonic replied confidently.

"We will see about that!" Replies Eggman.

Lazerbot continues shooting lazers until one hits right below Sonic giving way to the ground below him. Sonic grabs on to the edge were he is now hanging freely.

"Ah, I finnaly got you Sonic, any last words?" Eggman said, a look of accomplishment spreading from ear to ear.

"Yeah,... Tails now!" Sonic yells.

All of a sudden the Tornado is seen riding up the side of the cliff. Tails reaches out his hand and hoists Sonic up.

"Thanks pal glad that you have my back." He replied with a thumbs up gesture.

"And why wouldn't I?" Tails says with a smirk.

Sonic then jumps off the plane and spin attacks Lazerbot throwing the robot in the dirt.

" Get up Lazerbot!! You pathetic piece of junk!" Replies Eggman very angrly.

Lazerbot gets up again and shoots a Lazer right at the Tornado, clipping the wing.

"Tails, get out of the plane, now!" Yells Sonic worriedly.

The plane is going down quickly while Tails struggles to get out, but his leg is caught on a piece of shrapnel from the plane.

"I'm trying Sonic!" Says Tails struggling.

Sonic is about to go help when Lazerbot stands in his way. Sonic immediately spin dashes Lazerbot who then falls off the side of the cliff to the valley below and explodes.

"Errrggg, this isn't the last time you will see me Sonic!" Eggman quickly takes his eggmobile and flys off in a swift move that he is most known for. Sonic quickly runs towards the falling plane.

"Bail Tails, Bail!" Sonic yells as a final attempt to get Tails's attention.

The plane suddenly crashes into the dirt and a big explosion can be seen in the form of a small mushroom cloud.

"No, no, not Tails, please." Sonic says worriedly.

Sonic speeds up and reaches to the plane. Tails is seen very badly bruised and hurt.

"Tails, bud, answer me, c'mon buddy."

Tails is unresponsive, Sonic puts him on the ground and listens for a heart beat........there is a faint slow beat like the sound of a trickling oil drum.

"Ok that's a good sign. I must get him to Sticks, she has to know some kind of herb that can help him."

Sonic begins running untill he reaches the Badgers dirt hill home. Sonic bursts in the door.

"Sticks! Sticks! Where are you?!" Sonic yells looking down at his lifeless friend in his arms.

"I'm right here!?" she yells. " What's wrong?"

She sees Tails lieling lifelessly in Sonic's hands. She quickly brushes everything off a nearby table and tells Sonic to put him down.

"Sticks, can you help him?" Says Sonic scared for an answer he may not want.

"I don't know, I can give him some herbs I have but....."

"But what!?" Yells Sonic.

"But his chances are very might want to say farewell now Sonic.... I'm sorry." She says sadly.

She quickly leaves the room to go get some herbs, tears forming in the corner of her eyes.

"Tails, how could I have let this happen to you......I need you buddy. Don't leave me yet. C'mon pal remember all the fun times we had together? Battling Eggman, playing volleyball, riding in the plane during the sunset."

All a sudden something strikes Sonic. Something deep within himself. A feeling like being stabbed continuously with no end. His heart aches and his body felt like jello. He doesn't know what the feeling is or why it chose now, but he shakes it off for the time being. He starts to sob; loosing his composure. Sticks rushes in with herbs and begins putting them on Tails. She's making him drink some kind of herbal tea. That smells strangely of honey and ginger.

"We need to move him somewhere more comfortable, he needs to rest and regain strength if he is going to be able to stay alive." Sticks says nodding.

"I'll move him to my place then." Sonic replies quickly.

Moments later Sonic gets home with Tails. He sets him down in his own bed in the corner of the room. Sonic gently puts blankets and pillows around the bed for Tails. Making it as comfortable as possible for his little fox friend.

"Oh Tails, I couldn't protect you, look at whats happened to's all my fault."

Sonic looks at the ground as tears leave  his eyes and hit the ground in little splatters. He carefully gets into bed next to Tails and wraps his arms around him gently.

"I promise to never let this happen to you again." Sonic swears.

He quickly falls asleep warmly next to the friend he so adored.

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