"Why would you care about Jackson?" Embry asks, not her boyfriend, not her problem. Trying to get Allison to stop talking.

"Do you know if he's coming?" Allison glances from Embry to Lydia. The small brunette just shakes her head.

"Everyone's coming," Lydia practically growls, "This one American Rag." Lydia changes the subject.

"Hmm, I love it," Allison nods. Clearly still uncomfortable from the first conversation.

"For me, not you," Lydia smirks and tilts her head. Her hair falling in her face.

"This ones Material Girl, it's for you," Lydia throws Allison a dress, "And for you." Lydia throws Embry a black dress.

"Mrs. Argent," Embry stands when Lydia addresses her, she is still really pissed about what she did to Scott. Embry wants to rip the woman's head off, "What do you think of this one?"

"Oh, It's lovely. Allison, can we talk for a second? Just the two of us?" Mrs. Argent seems a bit upset. Embry starts to falls asleep. She is running on three hours of sleep. She needs it.


Embry stands behind Lydia as she opens the door. Someone is hidden behind a very large present. Stiles face pops up behind it. Embry shakes her head as she walks out of the room. Something in her already broken heart squeezes. She kinda liked Stiles. But she knows he isn't into her. Stiles Stilinski is in love with Lydia Martin.

"Hey," Embry jumps and turns. It's just Scott.

"Hey," Embry sighs and brushes hair out of her face.

"Are you okay? You don't seem very enthusiastic about being here," Scott chuckles.

"It's the full moon, the kanima thing, and the fact that no one is here," Embry raises here eyebrows and presses her lips together.

"Yeah, why is no one here?"

"Maybe," Stiles pops up in between them, "because Lydia became the town wackjob."

"Yeah," Embry agrees.

"Well, we have to do something," Allison walks up to them, "we've completely ignored for like, the past two weeks."

"She completely ignored Stiles for the past 10 years," Scott raises his eyebrows.

"I'd like to think of that I wasn't on her radar," Stiles corrects, making Embry frown a bit. Embry walks off, she wasn't a part of the conversation anyway.

"Hey, Lyd's," Embry walks up to her side. "Happy Birthday, again," Embry smiles a bit.

"Thank you," Lydia stares into the punch bowl. The doorbell rings, Lydia grabs a tray, and goes to answer it. A bunch of drag queen burst through the door. Embry smiles a bit and walks off. Parties aren't really her scene.

"Embry? I didn't think you'd be at a party," Jackson Whittemore shows up next to her.

"Yeah, I didn't think I'd be here either. But Lydia needs me," Embry smiles tightly.

"Hey," Jackson lowers his voice and pulls her to the side, "Something's coming, ya know. And... And I don't want you in the middle of it, okay?"

"It's okay, Jackson, I'll be fine," Embry shrugs. She knows the kanima won't hurt her.

"No, something really bad. I can feel it, just, stay safe," With that, Jackson is gone. Embry shrugs and grabs a cup of punch.

"Bottoms up," She shrugs and drinks it. It tastes pretty damn good. Embry walks back outside. Lydia is talking to Scott, Jackson is just standing, Stiles looks like he's about to cry, and Embry can't find Allison. Embry just stands next the pool, looking around.

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