10 - Help?

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During lunch break I waited but Forth was a no show. We didn't agree to meet or anything, I just assumed that he'd come have lunch with me. He didn't come on Tuesday either, neither did he call nor text.

I found myself sitting in the parking lot of the Engineering faculty on Wednesday. I don't miss him, I'm not worried about him either, I just want to thank him for helping me out over the weekend. Maybe I should have just called instead, but I thought coming in person would be more...you know...polite.

I'm already here, I might as well go find him, but where do I start? I really hate coming here alone. I walked around trying to figure out where he might be. Most of the people I run into smiled at me, the younger ones waiid. Their actions made me very self-conscious which made it difficult for me to ask anyone if they'd seen Forth anywhere.

"P'Beam?" A group of juniors stopped me

"Yes." They waiid respectfully after I'd confirmed my identity.

"Are you here to see P'Forth?"


Don't tell me, the people were being nice to me because of Forth? For a moment I thought it was because I looked exceptionally good today. I even took my phone out and used the camera to double check because I remember leaving the house looking like my usual self. We're not dating for goodness sake. And what is this place? A faculty or a fraternity? Why does it seem like everyone knows Forth's business?

"P'Forth is on the third floor." Junior one said. I don't know their names, so I'm just going to number them.

"He is in...wait...what classroom are they in again...do you guys remember?" Junior two with the pretty hair tried to help. She looks good, close to my type. Maybe someday, just to prove that I'm not dating Forth, but today is no good.

"They were in room 27, but I think I saw them changing classrooms." Junior three. Obviously not my type. I don't do men and he's shorter and lankier than Forth, so definitely a no.

"Right right, that's why I was wondering because I saw them change classrooms too." Pretty Junior two. Her boobs looked just the right size. I wonder if she has a boyfriend.

"I think I saw them enter room 29." Junior one. Also not my type, but he has a good build on him, he would do well in sports, but he's still not up to Forth's level.

"Yeah, they're in room 29. I'm sure of it." Junior four? I didn't notice her until just now. Where was she hiding? I looked at her. Flat chest...not my type.

"P'Beam, turn right at the top of the stairs, room 29 should be the third one." Junior three.

"Thank you very much, but are they having a class or something?"

"They will be but right now they're most likely in there prepping the equipment for the class, so you should be good." Junior one.

"That's good, but don't you guys have a class?"

"We do. We're on our way to class now." Junior four. I took a second look at her...ehn, definitely not my type.

"Aw, I hope you guys don't get there late because of me. Get going then and thank you again."

"You're welcome and P'Forth would definitely not take it easy on us if he finds out we didn't help you." Junior two. I need to prove to her someday that Forth and I are not an item.

"Hahaha..." I gave a humorless laugh and a small wave then walked toward the stairs.

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