"What?" Draco asked, his voice deadly quiet. 

"Calm down, I was twelve," Hermione chuckled. "Jealous you is hot."

"Any me is hot," Draco returned. 

"Very cute," Harry interrupted. "Totes adorbs. But, uh, could we go back to saving the world?"

Hermione rolled her eyes and went back to poring over a tiny, black notebook. 

Draco grabbed the green velvet book and flipped through it, pausing slightly at certain sections. 

"I believe I've found it," Draco suddenly said. 

"Oh, of course, he picks up his first book and he immediately gets it," Harry groaned. 

"Let me see," Hermione grabbed the book out of Draco's hands. 

Chapter 10: Counteracting Spells and Ingredients

Countless spells have counter-spells to reverse the effects of the spell. To counter is 'to speak or act in opposition to.' Therefore, a counter-spell is a spell to reverse the original spell. 

Ingredients are a great deal harder to counteract. The reverse ingredient must additionally be different and opposite to the object's natural aura (Dark and Light, Light and Dark, and Neutral magic objects are opposite to either Light or Dark). A full list of ingredients and their opposites can be found in Fantastic Ingredients and Where To Find Them by Cassandra Scamander. 

Unfortunately, there are still a good many spells that are impossible to counteract, one being the Killing Curse. The more complicated the curse, the more complicated it's counter-spell will be. 

For example, the complex forgetting spell - 

"This is it!" Hermione squealed, forgetting to keep her voice down. 

"Shh!" Madam Pince marched over. "Is it still your free period?"

Hermione bit her lip. "Uh, yes. Our Defense teacher, Professor Umbridge, decided to be amazing, and let us stay here for longer."

"Dolores amazing?" Madam Pince snorted quietly. "Keep your voice down, please."

"Keep reading!" Harry urged. 

  - Obliviate, has an immensely difficult counter-spell; so difficult that, in fact, only three people in the world are able to perform. 

The first is Albus Dumbledore (read more on page 102-239)

The second one is He-Who-

"Someone crossed it out," Draco frowned, rubbing his finger over the hastily scrawled pen over the words. 

"It's obviously Vold - You-Know-Who," Harry shrugged. 

"The question is, why would the Ministry not take care to cover up such a public book?" Hermione asked. "They usually are so meticulous, but this is a last minute job."

Draco reached for the book and flipped it over. He pointed at the big, red label. "That's why."

"Merlin!" Hermione yelped. "It's from the Restricted Section!"

"Who would leave it out?" Harry wondered. "Usually, books of this importance wouldn't just being lying around."

Draco impatiently took the book and finished the last line. 

And the third living human is Arthur Weasley. 

"Who?" Hermione and Harry choked at the same time. 

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