Forgetting Jai was still on the phone, I said to her, still looking into Andrew’s eyes, “Hey, Jai, I’ll call you back later.” I hung up on her before she could protest. She’ll probably blow my phone up later with texts, but at the moment, I don’t care. Staring flabbergasted at Andrew, I spoke first. “Hey,” The word was unsure and hesitant.

Keeping the same blank expression, he said. “Your parents told me to come see how you’re coming along with packing up.” I noticed he didn’t begin with a greeting, and his tone was flat.

I cleared my throat and glanced behind me at my suitcase. “Um, nearly done.”

He nodded once and turned to leave. He walked as if he couldn’t get away from me fast enough. Before he could get any further, I grabbed his arm. He looked down to where my hand was firmly gripping his skin, and then back at me, to which he narrowed his eyes at me. “What are you doing?” He said in a deep, scary voice.

“Are you okay?” I asked him, scared of the answer.

He tried to pull his arm free, but this only made me squeeze him tighter. “Are you mental? Let me go.”

Surprising both Andrew and myself, I said firmly, “No.” A moment of silence followed, and I gathered all my bearings before continuing. “Why are you being like this? Just yesterday you were talking to me and being nice, and now we’re right back where we started. I don’t understand.”

“I’ve told you before. Happiness is a waste of time, because you always end up right where you started. It’s not my fault you didn’t listen to me.” He glanced down at his arm still being held tightly in my hand.

“The world doesn’t work like that, Andrew. Happiness is the only good thing left in this world, and I’ll be damned if I let you destroy that.” I swallowed and glanced down the hall, hoping that my parents haven’t made it back up yet. They haven’t. In a calmer voice, I continued, “Why are you doing this to me? Some days you’re so willing to put yourself out there, and then others—such as today—you block me out. I like the Andrew who’s willing to share himself with me, the Andrew that had the boldness to kiss me.” I fought back a blush that was rising to my cheeks.

Andrew’s face stayed icy cold, and he took a daring step towards me. “Let me straighten something out for you, Hailey. What happened between us…that stupid kiss was a mistake. I only kissed you, because I felt sorry for you. I wouldn’t be caught dead with someone like you; never in a million years.” By this point, he had successfully brought tears to my eyes, and I did my best to keep them in a little longer. “I don’t like you Hailey. Never have, never will. In fact, I hate you with all of my heart. It’s punishment enough to have you staying with me for the next few weeks, so the last thing I need is your sorry ass lecturing me about your stupid fantasy of the world being all rainbows and butterflies. So do me a favor,” he stepped closer to me, pulling his arm from my now trembling fingers. His face is so close to mine that I could kiss him if I wanted to, but I would never do that, especially after this. Andrew is a douche that I would rather not associate with anymore. It’s better to stay away from him, because all of my assumptions of him breaking girls’ hearts and not caring are correct. “Stay as far away from me as you possibly can.” Andrew finished his heart-breaking words, turned sharply on his heel, and walked down the hallway, slamming the door once he reached his room.

I quickly returned back to my own and slid down the wall, crying. I know, I know. I shouldn’t be wasting my tears on a guy I don’t even like, but his words were hurtful and cruel. I would rather not hear them again. At this moment, I hate Andrew more than anything. I can’t believe I let him kiss me…TWICE! I honestly thought he might like me, what with the way he flirted with me all weekend. Not to mention kissed me. Still, if a guy says something similar to what Andrew has just spoken to me, it’s going to hurt, whether you like him or not. Maybe it’s just me, but guys have a pretty big effect on me.

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