Chapter Eight: Dr. and Dr. Addams

Start from the beginning

Elena was wearing a colour block shift dress paired with black strappy heeled sandals, she had chosen it because it was something that the press wouldn't comment on and looked casual enough for Sunday dinner with her parents.

"You ready?" Elena asked brushing some hair from her face, Robin nodded before he took a deep breath and got out of the car; he was quick to help Elena with the desserts.

Walking to the front door, Elena allowed Robin to wrap an arm around her waist as they rang the doorbell; they didn't have to wait long before Allison opened the door.

"Elena it's been too long," Allison greeted pulling her daughter into a hug, the brunette smiled as she hugged her mother back; it had been nearly two weeks since she had last seen her parents, their busy work lives keeping them apart and she knew there was so much for them to talk about now that she was married.

"Mum, this is Robin my husband," Elena introduced stepping away from her mother, who smiled warmly at a nervous Robin; she was hopeful that this entire evening went well.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Robin," Allison said warmly pulling him into a hug and out of the door way into the house; she was so happy to finally meet him and she was sure that there was a good reason for all of this.

Robin stood quiet for a moment before Allison released him, the older woman smiled at him sweetly before leading the couple into the kitchen so they could set the desserts down.

"Your father sends his apologises, he was called in for emergency surgery, but he will be home soon," Allison mused making Elena nod as she settled the desserts on the kitchen counter for later.

It was clear that most of the meal had been prepared, Allison smiled looking between the couple; of course she was disappointed that she hadn't been invited to her own daughter's wedding.

"So tell me how you two meet?" Allison asked setting about making them a drink, Elena looked at Robin as they sat at the kitchen breakfast table; she was nervous about the fact she was going to lie to her parents.

However before they could speak, David Addams walked into the kitchen wearing his scrubs; he kissed his wife before looking at the couple, he was not happy about any of this.

"I would be interested to hear about that," David stated staring at the footballer that was sat next to his daughter, he had been so surprised when he had seen in the papers that Elena had married Robin but he was also hurt that he hadn't been there.

Allison watched her husband, she hoped that he behaved since she was sure that it was only a matter of time before Elena and Robin started to have children of their own.

"You remember when I spent a year in Rotterdam... well we meet during my stay, I got lost and Robin helped me back to my apartment," Elena explained making her parents nod, Allison looked intrigued as her daughter spoke not having heard this story before now.

Robin swallowed as David eyed the couple as he sat down at the table next to his wife; he knew that they couldn't tell anyone how they had really met, he didn't want anyone to be upset about what had really happened.

"What was I meant to do, it was getting dark and you were alone," Robin teased sweetly making Elena's parents smile at him, he knew that they would have to repeat this story to anyone that asked; they might as well make sure they got it perfect the first time.

Elena blushed a little, she looked at Robin knowing that this was all just a show for her parents; things were starting to feel so real that she didn't know if they were pretending anymore.

"We hit it off and things were going well until I returned to London, we grew apart," Elena continued making her parents nod, they knew of so many couples who had tried long distance and it hadn't worked causing so many problems.

Robin looked a little sad for a moment as the brunette took his hand in comfort, she knew that talking about Bouchra wasn't easy for him and she was sure in time things would get better.

"I went on to marry Bouchra and we all know how that ended," Robin murmured distain in his voice as he spoke of his ex-wife who had cheated on him, then left him for the other man taking their children with her.

Elena looked at him as did her parents, they all knew what had happened between him and his ex-wife; the press had reported pretty much everything about his marriage to Bouchra ending like it had.

"I happened to bump into Elena several months back when my divorce became public, she helped me cope," Robin said smiling at Elena, she couldn't help but smile back; falling for the lie that they were telling her parents.

Allison smiled softly at her husband as she looked between her daughter and son-in-law; she hadn't thought that Elena would get married in such away but she seemed so happy.

Robin brushed his fingers over the back of Elena's hand under the table, he knew this was hard for her but they had both agreed that for now it was for the best; no one would understand if they knew the truth about what had happened.

"So why did you have the secret wedding?" David said annoyed, he had wanted to give his only child and daughter away and now that chance had been taken from him.

David had always dreamed of the day that he would get to walk his only child down the aisle and give her away on her wedding day; that dream had been taken from him when Elena had gotten married in Vegas to Robin and he hadn't even been there to see it.

"The media, we didn't want the shadowing our day and it was a sort of last minute decision, since we were both in Vegas," Elena explained making her mother nod understandingly about why they had done what they had done; that didn't mean that she had to like it.

Robin was famous and there was no way that the wedding would have been peaceful if they would have had a normal wedding; however Robin could sense that her parents were upset about missing their daughter's big day and he wished to make it right.

"Plus we're going to have another ceremony here, you know for family and friends," Robin revealed making Elena stare at him shocked while her mother looked thrilled, this wasn't something they had talked about.

Robin squeezed her hand, he felt a little guilty at taking away Elena's chance at a proper wedding; even if they weren't going to remain married and he knew that he had to do something.

David nodded his head pleased that he would get the chance to walk Elena down the aisle, he wanted nothing more than for her to be happy and she was certainly that with Robin.

"I'll go and check the starter," David mused leaving the table, he was starving and he knew there was no point in delaying dinner anymore.

Elena looked at Robin for answers, she didn't know why he had said anything about them having a second wedding; she doubted that they would have time to plan another in the next year.

Robin didn't look at Elena instead focusing on speaking with Allison, he knew that he shouldn't have said that and in the end he would be divorced from Elena no matter what happened.

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