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"Woah. Maybe we should've been on snack duty matt." Edds eyes widen when he sees a whole pickup trunk trunk filled to the top with snacks.

" I didn't know what you guys wanted so I bought the whole store." Tord exclaimed

"No, turns out he knew about a big discount on snacks." Tom laughs a bit and punches Tord in the shoulder.

"Do you guys have Funyuns!" Matt shrieks and looks through all the snacks.

"Yeah, tom likes them a lot." Tord laughs.

"Yummy!" Matt in determined to find these Funyuns, even if it's the last thing he dose.

"Hey guys before we go camping can we stop by my house? I need to grab a few things." Tord needed to grab his gun just Incase, he wanted to feel safe outside.

Timeskip to after Tord getting his gun and them arriving at the campsite.

"no cell service" matt scoffs at edd.

"I need some cola." Edd goes through a huge tub of drinks.

"I'm gonna set up these tents" tom announces.

"I'll look for wood." Tord smiles and walks off into the forest.

Tord quickly finished collecting wood for the camp fire  and noticed tom struggling with the tent.

"Hey Tom, need some help?" Tord said walking over to the tent.

"That would be appreciated" tom said in a angry voice.

"Okay" Tord took off his hoodie and his shirt underneath because it was hot.

Everyone stared at Tord for a minuet.

"Huh, sorry I was hot?" 

Tom was pretty much checking Tord out 95% of the time he was trying to set the tent up.

"I know who else thinks he's hot" Edd whispers to matt.

"Who," matt dumbly replies.

"Never mine" Edd takes a long sip from his cola and gets back to being "productive"

Matt however was not being productive at all, you see, matt likes to stare in the mirror for hours on end. He has the biggest ego yet he was a huge airhead, not the candy either.

Back to Tom and Tord, they almost finished up both the tents and it was time to pick groups, since this is a fanfiction about tomtord, I'm guessing you know which twos gonna pair up.
If you don't, you're high.

"Me and Edd are gonna share a tent and tell spooky story's!" Matt screamed grabbing edds arm and pulling him over to the green tent.

Thus leaving the purple tent, for tom and his new friend Tord.

"This is so exciting!" Tom says.

"I agree" Tord backs that statement up.

By this time everything was pitch black Outside, and all the electronics were dead, because a certain someone had to "hack" everybody's is Snapchat's for about an hour each. *cough* matt *cough*

"Well great." Tom says in embarrassment for not thinking through tom using his Snapchat of all things.

"We can use my trunk to charge our devices!" Tord says and plugs everything up.

"That would waste you're cars gas though." Edd was the only person who was actually, slightly, thinking logically.

"Pfft whatever." Matt hisses as he grabs his phone and plugs it up first.

"I'm bored what are we gonna doing?" Tom bluntly says to Edd.

"You act like I'm the leader tom! Stop being so rude!"

"Well you did suggest the idea of camping"  tom scoffed.

"Gasoline!" Three of the boys seem to hear matt and he was pouring gasoline all over the logs.

"Matt is that safe?!" Edd screamed

"Sure!" Matt replied.

"Matt where the actual hell did you get that?" Tord interrupted edds next comment.

"You're truck" matt give Tord a big thumbs up.

"...wait then we can't get back home, Tord you're using all you're remaining gas to charge Matt's phone." Tom added.

"Fu-." Tord was about to finish his sentence when Matt's funky ass lit the fire.

"We can figure something out tomorrow, I'm going to sleep." Tord angrily says and goes to bed.

Tom decides to stay up and make s'mores with Edd and Matt.

The start of something new. (TomxTord)Where stories live. Discover now