Chapter 16

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| Bella |
: Boys are Trash

I got home and was intending to go straight to my room where I could take an hour nap before I had to get up and get ready for the game. But that necessarily wasn't going to happen as Damian was stood waiting for me by my bedroom door.

With a beer in his left hand and his phone in the other, he looked up at me before pushing himself of the door he was leaning on. "You're finally back" he smiled.

"Yeah... um, is everything okay?" Me and Damian weren't the type to argue all the time but he did have a tendency to  annoy me however, he'd never wait for me to get home as if it was something exciting. Therefore, I was confused.

"Yeah! Why do you think something's wrong?" He asked, as if him standing outside my door for god knows how long, was the most normal thing ever.

"Because you are waiting for me right outside of my room door..." I trailed off making him laugh shaking his head "So when I try and love you, you don't want it. Okay, I see how it is" He clicked his fingers, waved his hand and shook his head trying to act like a sassy girl making me laugh.

I opened my bedroom door before walking him as he followed.

"So, let's talk" he spoke as I took my shoes off and did the necessary aspects of winding down after college.

"About what?" I asked looking over at him to see him getting comfy on my bed. He literally was under my covers.

"Just stuff, I feel like you don't share things with me anymore" He shrugged as he continued sipping on his drink.

"Okay first, when do we ever 'share' things and second, my sheets are white and mom will kill me if I stain them so please be careful" I told him making him roll his eyes nodding before sitting up.

"Just... tell me. How has college been going? Don't tell me you got yourself a boyfriend" He raises his eyebrows making me laugh shaking my head.

"College is good, and no, I have not got a boyfriend Damian. What about you? Found yourself a girlfriend yet?" I asked raising my eyebrows. I knew how awkward he would get if I ever spoke about girls with him.

"I'm waiting for the right one. But of course I got me some side girls but they're only one night stands, or maybe two if they're lucky" He winked making me literally gag. I did not want to know how many people he was sleeping with, no thank you.

He laughed at my reaction "When's the last time you even held hands with a guy sis" Although he was joking, I couldn't find it in me to laugh as the last time I had done anything like that was when Jason was here.

He instantly noticed my sudden change in mood causing his smile to drop "Oh... I completely forgot, I'm sorry" I could tell he didn't intend to do anything to upset me which is why I shook my head and gave him a smile reassuring that it was okay.

"But seriously... you got some patience on you" He said looking down at the pillow he was messing with as he nodded his head along with what he was saying.

"What do you mean?" I asked as I sat at the end of my bed looking at him.

"It's been a year, and not once have I seen you commit to any guy... I know a year doesn't seem that bad but damn, as your brother who shouldn't allow you to be with any guy, I'm still out here wanting that for you" he replied sighing,

"Maybe I don't want to be with anyone right now" I shrugged looking out of my window.

"You sure about that?" I looked over at him to see he had his eyebrow raised as if he didn't believe what I was saying.

"Yes, boys are trash" I joked making him laugh as I stood up again.

"Not all of them are," With that, he got up out of my bed before heading to my door before hesitantly turning to look back at me.

"You would know that"

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