Chapter 30

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| Bella |
: One of a kind

My eyes slowly opened, the light beamed through the creaks of the blinds; which of course made it so much harder for me to fully open my eyes and sit up. I looked to my side, almost instantly, finding Jason was no longer next to me.

I was hoping and praying I wasn't about to find another note telling me the same thing he did a year ago. In the exact same way. I sat up, finding his white shirt somewhere next to my bed before throwing it on, leaning to get off the bed thinking Jason was no longer was here.

But I was wrong.

The sound of his beautiful voice was heard from behind the bed, as he walked over to me.

"Good morning princess" He spoke, his voice still deep and raspy from him 'morning' voice. The best kind in my opinion.

I smiled as he leaned down and kissed my lips softly.

"Why are you out of bed? Aren't you supposed to be cuddling me?" I asked innocently. He chuckled, his dimple appearing; one of the cutest things I had ever seen and continued to love.

"Of course" he mumbled before falling back in to bed next to me instantly pulling me on top of his half naked body; he was wearing only boxers, but I wasn't complaining, Jason's body was the type you just wondered how it was freaking perfect. It was like his tattoos fit him perfectly, the way they darkened at his muscles, toning his arms almost if that was even possible. And his abs, oh god his abs were perfectly toned and pretty hard, which then led to his deep v line which I had learned led to a whole lot more if you know what I mean. Let's just agree that I was the most blessed girlfriend ever and Jason was heaven on earth.


Smiling, I leaned down and pressed my lips against his. The soft feeling moulder against mine so perfectly, everything else was a blur. Slowly but passionately we kissed, allowing our tongues to dance together in the most perfect sync.

His hands roamed up my thigh and under my shirt, caressing my skin. Although I was laying on top of him, I thought I was crushing him but he told me I felt like a feather so why not am I right.

It was perfect.

He turned around, now above me, as I traced my fingers around his muscles, he connected his lips to my neck, slowly sucking and biting taking his time as I moaned in to his ear clearly making him go crazy. Jason knew what turned me on but I also knew a lot too about him and he knew I was his weakness, which was the best part of it all.

Pulling away, he closed his eyes and laid his head on my boobs literally, nuzzling in to my chest as if they were pillows making me laugh. He groaned in pleasure as I ran my fingers through his rough sex hair, playing with the ends as well as he took a deep sigh.

"Mhm don't stop" he groaned, although in the back I could literally hear his ringing for the second time now. "Baby your phone has rang two times now, answer it" I laughed as he shook his head like a child insisting that he stayed in the same position with an endless supply of my fingers roaming though his hair. As much as I loved the feel of his hair, whoever was on the phone obviously had something important to say, possibly a way of ending this thing as soon as possible. Which is all I really wanted.

So I could spend forever and ever kissing and hugging my man, without having to worry about what may happen in the next hour.

He groaned before sitting up, grabbing his phone and answering it.

I never eavesdropped and especially in Jason's conversations because he never wanted me to and so I simply took my phone and decided to reply to my text messages which I had many of.

The girls, as well as Zak were possibly the most attached people I had met and quite frankly, I felt like I had children already and so of course I had to fill them in on everything. After replying, I for some reason landed on my camera roll and one of the most recent were of me and my dad when i was younger.

I was on his shoulders and I was wearing his cop hat which he always made me wear because lowkey wanted me to become a police officer like him but
everyone knew that would never happen with my lack of capability to stand up to anyone, like, ever.

But it was still his dream, and it still made him smile, which was all I ever wanted, his happiness. And walking out of my house and leaving him behind, I knew it gave him the complete opposite. Which hurt me the most.

A tear rolled down cheek, and I quickly wiped it away as Jason hung up the phone.

"Baby we- Hey, why are you crying?" He asked suddenly a lot more concerned. I shook my head quickly turning my phone around before sitting up, "I'm not" I answered giving him a smile. But he knew me too well which made it harder for me to lie to him.

He turned my phone over looking at the photo and instantly knew. Without a further second going by, he pulled me on to his lap and held me close to him, and I let my tears go.

I cried in to his shoulder and felt so much more relieved but of course, sad at the same time. Everything was happening so fast that I felt like this was the first initial time that I had cried to Jason about what mattered most right now.

"Shhh, it's okay baby..." he spoke softly as he ran his fingers through my hair.

"I know this is hard right now," he paused as I pulled away, looking down at my hands not wanting to cry so much in front of Jason. I knew he felt bad for this and kind of blamed himself however he wasn't at fault here, I just couldn't tell him that at this given moment because I was in no state of speaking as much.

He made me look up at him using his fingers under my chin, his eyes softened looking in to mine as he licked his lips "But I am here for you, through it all. And I am going to do anything and everything to protect you and get you back to your life" he continued caressing my cheek.

"So we can spend our life together, with your family, I promise you that I will get you back to your family and I promise that one way or another, they will forget about everything that may have happened after seeing you're back and safe, okay?" He ended.

He was so kind and caring, Jason honestly baffled me at times because never did I ever think that the guy who literally harassed and hated me for months when I first got here, would become my literal saviour in every way possible.

I was so grateful.

I nodded "Okay" I whispered as he wiped my tears away.

"Now do you want to make your man some pancakes because I have missed your cooking a little too much" He spoke grinning instantly making me smile.

He stood up and I stood up on the bed as he took my hands, I felt the soreness in my legs instantly remembering last night. Jason McCann for you all.

He smirked raising his eyebrows as I stepped of the bed wincing in pain "Hm, I can see I fucked you up a little too hard eh?" My mouth widened at Jason's choice of words as he laughed aloud.

Seconds later he had picked me up bridal style "That's better" he grinned kissing my lips as we laughed.

How can someone change your life so much that you wake up just to see them smile? Was it possible to fall more and more for the same person daily? Because if so, I was living proof of it.

This was the true definition of being in the darkest of times but bringing the most amount of light to the situation because that was exactly what Jason did. He worked had to make me smile and the happiest girl in the world and it paid off. Despite the darkness and sadness within my life, he was there to light my path and make me feel better and better every single day.

I never wanted to lose him, ever.

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