Chapter 3

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| Bella |
: Indecisive

I threw the card and flowers in the passenger seat of my car before getting in. I pulled out of drive way before I made my way to school knowing exactly who I wanted to see.

Ever since Jason's disappearance, Ryan had kept his promise when saying he'd take care of me as well as the others boys. They did exactly that. Seeing me all the time, hanging out with me whenever I wanted to or whenever they just wanted to hang out. They were like my brothers as I had at least one person all the time who was there for me if the others weren't free. They sure did stay loyal by Jason.

For whatever reason.

I drove straight to their house. They had moved house which was less secluded than their last place which was literally like in the middle of the forest. Probably because they no longer were a part of the crime life. Although they were still known as 'the gang', they were staying out of trouble, mainly because I made sure they did.

As soon as I got to their house, I walked right in to their house as I had a key, as did they to mine.

"Ryan!" I called out. No response,

"Boys!" I yelled, I knew they were sleeping because that was all they did.

Finally after what felt like forever, Ryan appeared yawning and rubbing his eyes.

"Yo, what's up?" He yawned. He had no idea.

"You brought me flowers?" He jokes as he looked down at the flowers in my hands.

"Jason sent these. Along with the ones on Valentine's Day, and the ones on my birthday along with that stupid ring." I bluntly said throwing the flowers to the ground. there was no need to sugar coat, I was beyond mad.

"Huh?" He said confused,

"You really have no idea about these?" I asked, I really though Jason told them everything. So it was shocking he had no idea what was going on.

He shook his head looking down at the flowers as he then picked the card up reading it for himself. His eyes widened.

"This is from him..." he trailed of, as if he was talking to himself.

"You're telling me he hasn't told you anything about this? Not even the other times?" I asked in confusion.

He shook his head.

I scoffed "I don't need this right now. He can't do this... I'm trying okay? It's so hard for me to forget about everything, about him, but now it all makes sense, the birthday gift, the Valentine's Day flowers. What is he doing?" I asked shaking my head feeling tears force themselves to the rim of my eyes.

"Hey, don't cry" he said before pulling me in to a hug. I let myself cry. The countless nights I had cried, refusing to sleep as I remembered Jason, Ryan was there for me. He would hug me, telling me that everything would be okay. He told me that Jason loved me and that I should remember why he had to do all do this.

It didn't work this time.

Jason was failing at whatever he was doing. He wanted me to move on? How could I possibly do that when I'm now being reminded of him through every event.

This was all his fault. I blamed him.

I pulled back wiping my eyes "Wherever he is, whatever he's doing, make sure he knows I don't want any of his gifts. Tell him he can come to me if he wants to wish me happy birthday next year. Or happy freaking valentine's." I told Ryan before turning around to leave.

"You know I can't do that Bella" he sighed making me shake my head laughing sarcastically as I turned around.

"Oh yeah that's right,  you don't speak to him much right?" I paused, I knew that was a lie. "I know you speak to him, you all do. You treat me like I'm some kind of child. I appreciate everything you've done, and the boys. But this can't carry on. I'm sick of it, thinking he's going to come back. I'm over it. Make sure he knows that."

With that, I turned around and left the house.

It was time I did things my own way, not letting anyone hold me back.

Maybe that was the only way Jason would come back to me, if I let myself do the things he would never let me do as it would put me in a whole lot of danger.

I'd do anything right now just to see him.

But at the same time, I wanted nothing to do with him.

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