Chapter 9

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| Sally |
: Rituals

I paced back and forth whilst waiting for Bella's arrival as she had promised to come shopping with me to pick a gift for my mom's birthday and we were going to meet the boys as well as Zak at the Cheesecake Factory a little later on as Za really had been requesting it for a while. Although Bella is late the majority of the time, I didn't expect her to be this late especially when I was waiting in the courtyard of our college knowing she was somewhere inside.

Finally, after a thousand texts and calls, she showed up.

"Okay I'm here" She said, out of breath.

"You're late. Really late." I told her, making sure she knew I was annoyed.

"I know and I'm sorry... I got caught up with someone" she was a horrible liar and horrible at covering things up, especially from me, her best friend.

"Who were you with?" I asked her, squinting my eyes and tilting my head to the side. "No one, let's go!" Her attempt at changing the subject failed miserably as I could see right through her white lies.

She made that innocent face that she always put on when feeling guilty or as if she knew she was doing something stupid and instantly I had an idea of who she was with.

"You were with Danial weren't you?" I sighed, I already knew that was the truth but I wanted to hear it from her.

It had been a week since the party she had decided to go to and we all were hella mad at her just because she knew she should never have gone to something like that. Especially not alone. And as her best friends, she should of listened to us.

We all know why she was doing this. We knew she missed Jason, now more than ever as she had discovered that it had been him who was sending the roses and gifts every so often. She tried to cover up her feelings and put on a smile just to make the people around her happy but sometimes that trait is what worsens the situation because now, after covering up her sadness for such a long time, she's making the worst kinds of decisions which are in no way benefiting her. But people do say that eventually, everyone breaks. I just wanted to be there for her whilst she was at her breaking point. There have been countless nights where she has cried herself to sleep to me, whether on the phone or in person. She would cry at college, whenever we were together, because she always remembered him. And just as she allowed herself to see life outside of Jason, she is reminded of him once again.

And now, she was deciding to hang out with Danial and a couple of his friends. But thankfully, not Jacob as she knew that he was hella disrespectful towards her and also to Ryan and the boys and her bond with those boys was unbreakable.

Although we have been telling her that they are the bad guys and totally taking advantage of her, at the end of the day we can't force her to do something or act on something. It was her decisions, no matter how bad the decision may be.

Her silence to my question answered it anyway making me simply sigh and shake my head before turning around and walking to my car.

"You can't be mad at me Sally" she sighed as she followed after me.

"What else do you expect me to do? You get mad if I tell you not to be with those idiots and are now getting mad when I stay quiet? I can't win her can I?" I said in anger, because it was all I was feeling. Anger and betrayal.

"I know... but I know what I'm doing Sally, I promise I won't do anything stupid, you know me" I believed she would never ever turn in to one of those girls who got with multiple guys just to have a little fun. She was WAY to innocent for that and in a sense, she still held herself back for Jason, she knew she only wanted him and I knew he only wanted her, but who knows how he may be dealing with things but I know that she isn't dealing with it in the best way right now.

But I guess you gotta make the mistake to learn from it.

I simply nodded before getting in my car. Shortly after she got in too and I drove away. The car ride was kinda silent, she spoke to me about her classes and attempted to make some sort of conversation and even tried to make me laugh and although it was extremely hard to keep a straight face, I accomplished it as I hadn't spoken the whole time.

Just as I locked my car and put the keys in my purse she grabbed my arm "I'm sorry, don't be mad at me" She gave me her infamous puppy dog eyes and made a sad face instantly making me roll my eyes "Fine but you're buying me a corn dog" I told her shaking my head.

"You're so weird" she laughed before linking her arm with mine.

"You get the boys, I get the corn dogs" And with that said; being the most truthful thing ever to be said, we entered the mall ready to watch me do 0 amount of shopping and Bella to be doing the most as if she has never seen clothes before. It was a ritual I guess.

The 'how to get over a boy' ritual. Mandatory. Although in this case, we all knew she was never going to get over Jason McCann, not a chance.

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