Chapter 17

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Jaide's POV

I woke up around 9 and rolled over. Sophie was still asleep, but everyone else was awake.

"Morning." Kyla said.

"We're going out to eat with the boys at 10." Grace said.

"I'm gonna wake up Sophie. She's slow. It'll take her 3 hours to get ready to go to the gas station." I said.

I shook Sophie awake, "WAKE UP!"

"Go away." She said.

"No," I said. "We're leaving in 45 minutes."

She shot up, "I'm wake!"

We all scurried around to get ready. I put on some acid wash shorts and white Brandy Melville top. I curled my hair and put on mascara and eyeliner. I put on my white high-top converse.

When everyone was finished getting ready, we went down to the car. Kyla drove to the address of the nearest iHop. We parked the car and walked in. The waitress told us the boys were already seated.

We followed her to a long table which looked like there had been 3 tables pushed together. The boys and some other people I didn't know were all sitting down. I started to walk to the end of the table where there was empty seats, but someone grabbed my hand. I looked down to see a smiling Sam.

"Sit with me." He said, patting a empty seat next to him.

I slid into the seat. Sam introduced me to everyone else. They were Jc's mom, Trevor's mom, Jc's sister Jaylyn, and Trevor's brother Blake.

"You guys are cute." Jc's Mom said. "He wouldn't let anyone else sit there."

I laughed and Sam blushed, "You weren't supposed to say that." HE said.

"We actually aren't together." I said.

Jaylyn raised an eyebrow, "You will be soon."

We all received our pancakes and left the iHop. Kyla followed the other cars to the venue where the biy's were having their show.

I climbed out of the car and followed Blake inside. The boy's were doing a soundcheck or something, so we went down to the merch table.

Grace bought a Trevor shirt, Sophie got a Booshka shirt for Kian, Jaylyn got a Jc tank, Blake wore a Ricky shirt, Kyla got a Connor shirt, and I got a Sam shirt.

It said Pottorff on the back and on the front their was a cute little drawing of him.

We went to the bathroom and changed our shirts. One of the girls working on the show gave us a bag to put our stuff in and gave us our passes. She told the room they were in. We followed her directions and walked to their room.

We walked in one-by-one and showed them our shirts.

"Hey!" Trevor said to Blake. "Why aren't you wearing one of my shirts?"

"I have like 20. And I like Ricky more than you!" He said.

We all laughed. I sat down next to Sam.

"You look cute. And we're matching!" He said.

We stood up to take a picture and I tweeted it. We hung around in the room for a while, then it was meet-and-greet time. We followed to boys out to a long tabled filled with chairs. I sat where they told me to, which was in between Sam and Jc.

Fans poured in and lined up. It was really fun. Some people got pictures with both of us. When we had to leave, we got swarmed by the fans. We were walking out when a little girl approached me. She looked about 13 and was wearing a Sam shirt, like mine.

"I'm a Sam girl, but you guys are adorable!" She said.

I was in the middle of thanking her, when I got pushed out by security. Rude.

We got little seats behind the stage to watch the show.

The show was great, at the end the boys were all dancing onstage and Trevor ran over and pulled us all onstage, where we joined them. Dancing like horribly to some song about them. It was really fun.

When they were all finished, it was about 9. We had to rush to the car. We followed the tour bus until they got to the hotel. We climbed out and followed them in.

I sat next to Sam and cuddled into him. "We're driving back tonight." I said.

"Don't remind me." He said.

"Hey." I said. "I'll see you at Vidcon. And then the tour will be over."

He smiled and kissed my forehead.

We left that night, sadly, I had to drive.

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