Chapter 4

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Jaide's POV

"Jaide.... Baby... Get UP!" Sam shook me awake.

I groaned and rolled over. I felt suddenly felt like I was falling through the air. Then I got yanked back.

I had just almost rolled off the side of the house.

"Are you okay?" Sam asked me.

"Yeah, thank you." I hugged him.

He kissed my forehead, "You're welcome. Come on, lets get off this roof."

We climbed down and walked into the kitchen.

"What is up with your hair?" Sophie poked my mess of bed-head.

"Hey! I love her hair!" Sam said jokingly. He embraced me in a big hug and everyone laughed. I stuck my tongue out at Sophie, she rolled her eyes in response.

I wiggled out of Sam's grasp and sat down next to Jc, who raised his eyebrows at me. I shrugged him off.

We ate then I went upstairs to Sam's room. I didn't have any clothes here, so I grabbed one of his sweatshirts and sweatpants. I brushed out my hair and put on a little mascara that I keep in my purse.

I went back downstairs and sat down next to Sam on the couch. He put his arm around me and I nudged into him.

"When do you have to go home?" He asked.

"Soon probably."

"Can I pick you up from school tomorrow?" He asked.

I had forgot I started school tomorrow, "Yeah.."

We hung around the house for a couple hours, then Ricky asked us all to film his Our2ndLife video with him. It was tag week.

"What tag are you doing?" Grace asked.

"I could't find one, so I'm just gonna do another Ask Ricky & Friends."

We all tweeted the hashtag, and five minutes later we were set up on Sophie's bed filming.

Ricky picked the first question. "Jam or WIshbone?" he read.

Sam and I screamed "JAM" and Jc screamed "WISHBONE" back. Other people all screamed "JAM".

"What the hell?" asked Jc.

"We all know Wishbone is Satan, Jc." Connor said. Jc shrugged and Kian picked the next question.

"Who farts the most?" He read. Everybody pointed at Trevor.

"Hey!" Trevor injected.

Grace picked the next one, "If you could be anywhere, where would you be?"

"Digifest or Vidcon." Kian said, everyone agreed.

A few more people went, then it got to me. I was scrolling through questions, when we were interrupted by Kyla and Nash walking in. It wasn't good.

They were yelling at eachother, we all turned to look.

"They've been doing that a lot lately." Sam said.

"That's it! I can't take this anymore! Just get out Nash!" Kyla yelled. Nash said a few choice words, then slammed the door.

"What the hell was that?" Sophie asked.

"Nothing, I don't want to talk about it. Are you guys filming?" she said.

Ricky informed her what we were doing and she sat down next to us.

We continued to film, I scrolled through the tweets. "Who snores?" I read.

"Ricky!" Kyla said.

"Grace sometimes does too." Trevor said, we all laughed.

Sam went next, "Who do you ship?"

"Jam and Sophian!" I said.

"Hurtful!" Trevor yelled.

"And Trace." I said again.

We did a few more questions, then signed off.

Sam and I went up to his room. I laid down on the bed and Sam laid next to me.

"Put on our song." He smiled.

I unlocked my iPhone and started to play, "Superman" by Joe Brooks.

We both sang along and just laid there.

A little bit later, I got up. "I should go." I said.

Sam wrapped his arms around me and we hugged. "I don't want you to go."

"I know."

We hugged for a little bit more, "I don't think I can let go." he said.

"I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"


I said bye to everyone and left.


AN- Woah! Look at me updating twice in one day! Thank you all for all the reads on both of my books. I might start another book at the same time as this one. Its not a FanFiction or anything, just a regular book. Love you all!


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