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Life is like climbing the tallest mountain.

Your first steps will not be that difficult. You will encounter beautiful flowers that will bring beauty to your journey. You will meet different types of animals to give you company for your climbing. Birds will sing a special song for you to relax your senses and aching soul. 

Until you reach the higher heights.

You will then notice that life around you is slowly withering. The steps that you will have to take will be treacherous, sometimes will left you tumbling down. You will get scratches from all the sharp rocks, you will get wounded from all the fall. The hardship will make you want to give up and the loneliness will make your heart hollow. 

But you must not give up. 

Not until you can see the summit. Slimy and pointy rocks will forbid you to enter. You will start to notice it will be more harder to breath the closer you get to the finish line. But do listen to this poet, someone who have conquered that mountain before. Just continue climbing, there will be privation but it will make the climb more worth it. 

Life is like climbing the tallest mountain.

The steps you take will be your journey. The adversaries you will face is the bitter truth of life. The lower heights may be beautiful and full of life, but do trust me, the summit is much more stunning. You can see the whole world from above and you can brag that you have once beaten this thing called life.

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