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Opia /n/ - the ambiguous intensity of looking someone in the eye, which can feel simultaneously invasive and vulnerable. 

* * * * * 

You held the sun in your eyes, 
And held the moon in mine.

Your eyes glittering and shining.
Mine, bottomless and opaque. 

Your pupils were full of color, so full of life.
They reflect the beauty and warmth of sunshine.

Whilst mine was deprived of life;
Displaying achromatic gloom. 

I continue to live lifeless, 
Like a weightless paper drifting along the blues.

But everything changed
When your eyes locked with mine. 

I felt the intensity of your rays,
Bringing warmth to my torpid eyes.

The eye is a vault that contain emotions,
Which I desperately sealed from the world to see.

But with just a single glance, 
That vault was steadily forming cracks.

And as you get closer, and closer,
It finally broke into million pieces.

And from that moment on,
I finally knew what it means to be alive. 

I finally found the sun that will give light,
To the moon in my eyes whenever darkness was around.

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