Ma'am Can I Kiss You?

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"Yea good night." I shut the door and climbed up the stairs to my bedroom and crashed out on the bed. "Momma! Momma! Momma!" uhh what? "Momma! Momma!" I climbed out of bed and went down stairs to Jay and Elli's room. "Yea baby? What's wrong?" "I don feel good, I tink I gonna be sick... *BLAH*" and all over the floor! Well good thing the floor is not carpet, just wooden floor. "Come on baby, let's go camp out in the bathroom for a while." I stated while I picked up my poor little sick Eli and walked to the bathroom with her rapped in a blanket. Around 7:15 I had to wake up Jayden to get him ready for school, his school started around 8:05. I woke him up and he was a little cabby, he didn't get that much sleep with his little sister throwing up all night. I got some lucky charms for his breakfast with Eli on my hip. While Jay was eating breakfast Eli threw up a few more times even if she didn't have anything in her stomach. I felt bad for my little princess having to go through this, she must have caught a bug that is going around the daycare center. I had one of the neighbors look after her while I dropped Jay off at school, I'm not going to school today. I'm staying home to take care of my kid, guessing the new beginning won't be happening today. I get back to the house and my neighbor Mindy was watching Elizabeth, "Hey how was"- I was stopped by a shush by Mindy, I looked around the corner, and there was my baby girl finally getting some sleep after being woke up at 12 am. "Ooops how is she?" I asked quietly. "She's good she just went to sleep, she had some toast so hopefully she'll keep that down." She replied like it was nothing. "Thank you, that means a lot to me." I never had someone else to look after Jay or Eli, it was nice for a change. "You can go to school if you want, I'll stay here and watch her?" she questioned. "Wha- No no its okay, I'll stay here and take care of my kid." "No seriously I'll look after her." She insisted. "No. I'm her mom. She's my priority, not school. I'm staying here, kay? Thank you for your offer but this isn't something you need to do." With that she huffed and walked out slamming the door on her way out, waking up Eli doing it. Wow seriously?! "MOMMY!!!*and Eli was now crying* my head huts and my tummy too!" she cried out, "Shhh baby, I know it will go away soon." I cradled her making her stop crying and gave her some child's aspirin to help with her head. All day we were on the couch watching old Disney movies and trying to keep something in her stomach. After 2:30 she stopped throwing up completely, and she kept some pieces of toast down. At 3:14 we went and picked up Jay from school, she was in a new pair of princess pj's since she had throw up on the other ones. Jay came running out with a big grin on his face. He's going to love school I can just tell. We were leaning on the truck, well I was and Eli was on my hip, she loved being held and to cuddle. He ran up and started telling me of his day how they were starting to learn the alphabet but he was smugly since I already taught him that. He went on and told us about recess how he was the fastest kid in freeze tag no one could catch him, he was adorable. We got to the house and I was getting Eli out of the car seat when the black amazing BMW pulled up and he got out with a white button up shirt with a black wife beater on with black shaded away pants on with DC shoes on.. 'mmmm man he looks hot! I bet all the girls were all over him today!' I thought to myself. "what was tat momma?" Elli asked while I was still drooling over I mean glancing at my teacher. Oh shit did I say that out loud!?
"Hahaha yes ma'am you surely did say that out loud, thank you for your comment, would you and your babies like to come over for dinner?" Mr. McClain asked right behind my ear. I jumped from the closeness of him. "uh.. no?.. uhh I mean no we are having hot dogs and mac and cheese for dinner." I said over my shoulder. Eli was smiling, she never smiles at strangers! They only met him yesterday! "Uh mistew you can have dinner wit us if you like!" Eli shouted with excitement. "Well Eli  I think you'd have to ask your momma for that one." He simply replied. She looked at me with big brown puppy dog eyes and said, "Pease mommy? Can he have hot dogs wit us?" who could say no to that face!? Gosh she has me rapped around her little finger so tightly! "Sure baby" I said trying to be enthused with that idea. What happened to be a teacher student relationship?! Doesn't this ruin that concept?! Ugh he is soo confusing. I got Eli out of her car seat and walked to the front door and unlocked it. Jay ran into the living room to his big box of Legos and Lincoln logs and I set Eli down and she ran into the living room too, "Hey mister! You wanna play with my legos with me and Eli!?" Jayden shouted from the living room. So that left Mr. McClain going into the kitchen to cook dinner for my babies. "Uh... yea one moment bud!" he hollered back. "You know you don't have to play with him..." I said shyly. "No its okay I love kids anyways. So since we haven't met as teacher and student yet..." he trailed off. What was he going to say?! "Uh? Wha- what were you going to say?" I asked while bending down to look in the fridge for the hot dogs. I found them after a few minutes. He still hasn't answered me, I put the hot dogs on the counter top and went to the cupboard to get the mac and cheese. I looked behind me and he was looking at me well my body with pained expression? Why would that be? Hmm.. I don't know. I reached up to grab the box, and asked again, "You were saying?" this time I didn't get an answer I just felt breath running down my neck sending shivers down my spine. Then there was a pair of hands on the either side of me making me trapped up against the counter. I spun around in his arms and put my hands on the counter top behind me. His face was right there I could feel and smell his peppermint breath run across my face sending more sparks and shivers down my spine. His lips were a few centimeters away from mine, "Ms. Holmes..." he took in a deep breath, "Can I kiss you?" he blew the breath across my lips. Mmm... shit he was waiting for an answer! "Doesn't this ruin the concept of teacher student relationship?" I asked not really wanting the answer. "No it doesnt go against the set rules we applied, if you remember correctly we said when we see each other the next time at school then we'd start over. I didn't see you at school today so right now we are just neighbors." He said confidently. "So ma'am can i kiss you?"

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