Chapter 42- Epilogue

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Chromia's POV

"It is over Elita, I betrayed you far before Chromia ever did" Arcee stated and I stared in confusion as Soundwave pushed Elita's wrists backwards until the knives fell. I knew it was slightly painful but Elita was as stubborn as a woman could get.

She groaned in pain as she stared at her fallen weapons, she was so angry I was surprised that there was no steam coming from her ear. She had all the right reasons to be angry but I really wished she would give a chance to reason.

"I... I don't believe I understand" Elita mumbled while shaking her head, her eyes still moist. I wished never to understand the pain of losing a sparkling (child) but I knew the pain of loss so I understood why it would be hard for her to forgive Shockwave.

"My intention was never to hurt you, I would never hurt you but I fell in love. I am so sorry it resurfaced so many wounds" It broke my heart knowing she was reliving a trauma by looking into my lover's eyes.

"If you are furious at Mia then you should be mad at me too, I told Shockwave to flee before Prime could get to the destroyed orphanage and to you" Arcee confessed and I turned to stare at her in confusion.

Why would Arcee do such a thing? She spoke of just how irritating she found Shockwave after all he had done.

"Why would you-"

"Prime would have killed him" Elita's voice was far more relaxed than before but that never stopped the tears from coming. Arcee's expression indicated that this stood to be the truth and Shockwave took this opportunity to clear his throat.

"I cannot repair the error made but I am seeking redemption. The war ended the moment my brother left the Decepticons. I genuinely care for Chromia, I have cared for her for eons" Shockwave stated and Arcee took a deep breath.

"He is the mystery man that saved her back on Cybertron" Arcee stated and I batted my lashes.

"Why am I the last to learn this?" I asked as I stared into the eyes of my husband, his hand on my cheek.

"Because the one person I told swore not to speak of it, seems as though he was convinced otherwise" Shockwave stated as his eyes raked her face and Arcee's cheek reddened. I believe Bumblebee despised keeping secrets from his wife.

"Soundwave I owe you an apology" Elita stated as she toyed with her red wrists.

We were now at the wedding reception, and I must say the interior decorator did an amazing job with the venue. It was just as beautiful as I wished my new life to be.

Shockwave and I were dancing to slow music.

"Your leader, has he indirectly ended a war that has been going on for eons?" I asked as Shockwave spun me beneath his arm, his fingers trailing my hips the moment I was against his chest.

"That war ended with Soundwave's decision and a particular blond" Shockwave stated as he gestured with his head and I turned to look in the direction he aimed. Megatron (Michael) was having a conversation with a blond human woman who stood to be at least half his age. Why was there a human apart from Arcee's best friend in the midst of my wedding?

"Who's that?" I asked as we continued moving in sync.

"Zelta, he actually captured her for an experiment prior to Emerald's arrival to earth. He told us she escaped but I never did buy that story, I believe he fell in love with a human" Shockwave stated and I was actually stunned.

Megatron, the Decepticon war lord, had the capacity to love?

"Wait what?!" I asked and when all eyes fell on us I pressed my lips together.

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