Chapter 31- Back to work

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Chromia's Pov

The small break we had diminished and it was work again. This was the first day of the 'new recruits' arriving and I could reflect on my time as a recruit which faded rather swiftly. I was called to assist a trainer by the captain and I was quite excited. To believe that I was actually called in with the 'big dogs' was a huge deal.

Arcee told me that this was a sign of respect from the seniors, respect she and her husband earned during their rookie years. I had small regrets of not joining when my sister did, she had no idea how proud I was of her. She was a force to be reckoned with and while I wished she would remain my baby sister forever those ears were behind us.

She was a woman and so was Firestar. I smiled internally, this moment seemed surreal, I was actually going to train a fresh group while in training.

"She had the very right reasons to be proud of you" I turned to gaze at the man standing next to me. While Arcee made Sangster out to be an asshole the fact that I now stood next to him his aura was not as dense as I had expected.

"Appreciated Sir Sangster" I replied softly and all he did was nod, arms behind his back. He was strict as she indicated but I did not see him to be as horrible as Shockwave was in regards to being a trainer. Shockwave was inclined on punishment and he was not very disciplined in my opinion.

Regardless of that notion he was still effective and appreciated by his seniors.

"Morgan and Emilio group number one, Hol and Smith group number two, Hayles and Sangster group number three" Captain Stuart announced and we stood before our respective groups.

I could see fear in a few pairs of eyes and I felt bad thinking of how fear can make one a target without knowing. Myra and her lover stood to be an example of that theory but the pair conquered all so there may be a chance just yet.

"Attention!" The six of us yelled and our recruits straightened their postures before issuing a salute.

"Now there has been changes as it regards the camp that slowly approaches" Stuart informed us and Hol turned on her heel to face him, her hands at her side as she stood as stiff as a board. I was somewhat curious to see their relationship outside of work grounds.

"Permission to speak sir?" she asked and he nodded.

"Permission granted Hol" he stated almost in a monotone and the ginger haired woman folded her lip slightly. If I didn't know better she was suppressing laughter under the guise of having her lower lip saturated.

"What changes will be made to the camping style this year Sir Stuart?" She asked and I stared at the recruits before me with my hands at my side. It was quite strange as those two were husband and wife yet they could maintain professionalism.

If I had to refer to my husband as 'Sir' I would be rolling on the grass like an asylum escapee.

"The camp is no longer separate, the three groups will camp in the same area, also Mr Pax will join you on that day. It will only last two months and when you return training continues until the recruit period has ended." he informed us.

"Fuck" Morgan remarked and the Captain came next to him, odd eyes studying Morgan for an answer to his outburst. We all knew what that meant for Morgan.

"Recruits, you are dismissed for lunch, reassemble here afterwards" he stated and the recruits marched off for lunch. He continued to stare at Morgan who kept his gaze ahead, knowing Shockwave as well as I thought I did, he was mentally prepared for a lecture.

"Forty, on your knuckles, both of you" he remarked and my eyes widened when the Captain's eyes moved to me. Wait what?

"You've got to be fucking kidding me?" I mumbled under my breath as we got on our knuckles in the gravel. In an odd way this reminded me of the moment Shockwave punished me for defending Myra in my rookie year.

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