Chapter 9-Two can play that game

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🎶I only wanna do bad things to you🎶

Chromia's Pov

"You'll be leaving in the next hour" I told Ironhide who still had my naked frame resting in his arms. His body provided the warmth I craved just now, my eyes (optics) fixed to his blue eyes (optics).

"I know," he stated as he ran his finger along my arm.

"Have you thought of names yet?" I asked.

"Well, I've always thought if we were to create a girl her name would be Miana for a son, his name would be Emanuel" he told me and I smiled against his chest the moment I placed my head down.

"Miana and Emanuel...I like it" I admitted and he chuckled, stroking my arm gently. His touch felt real, it felt as though this dream had come to life...

Wait a second, the touch was actually real.

My eyes flew open and as soon as I saw what could be deemed anyone's worst nightmare, I screamed. My breathing became uneven the more multiple pairs of eyes pierced me, my fingers digging into the mattress desperately. I was afraid to move because if I should I could actually make the situation far worse.

On my mattress were numerous snakes sliding over each other, a few tails touching my cheek. Never did a woman dream of waking up to snakes.

"Help! Somebody help me!" I yelled as the creatures slid next to me, some sliding over my body and it was the filthiest I had ever felt. Why weren't we told that they are snakes in the Forest?

They said we were safe.

"Somebody help me please!" I yelled on the verge of tears when one of the creatures turned to look at me and pushed its body to meet my trembling one. In my cyber form these creatures would have been easily destroyed yet here I was acting like the average human female.

Was this what humanity truly felt like? If it were not for the sake of our secret I would have easily transformed and eliminated my fear. The creatures would not stand a chance.

"Emilio what is it?" Hol yelled tearing my tent open, recruits bumping into her when she froze, her hazel eyes wide. She was not fond of the creatures, I could see it in her eyes.

"Oh my god!" Myra screamed as she covered her mouth, Pixie appearing to be the one who would actually try to help me as her eyes showed the least amount of fear.

"Get Morgan...Now!" Hol yelled, shoving a recruit to carry out her order before looking back at me.

"Emilio whatever you do keep still, no sudden movement" she warned as she removed her gun. She said that as though it was easy to have snakes crawl over you without feeling threatened.

If it came to utilizing my last resort and one of the creatures were going to bite me, I'd rather Hol pulled the trigger and cut my lights.

"Those snakes are poisonous ma'am she can't just lie there" Anderson stated and before he could approach me Hol grabbed him by the collar. Well at least someone was concerned.

"Stand back recruit, let Morgan handle this when he gets here" Hol stated and I eyed the snakes of varying colors.

"But how long before he gets here?" Pixie asked and Hol gave her a look. "Ma'am," Pixie added quickly, her eyes lingering on me as though she pitied me.

"You summoned me Ma'am?" Shockwave asked as he entered the tent and went straight to Hol.

"Not me jackass... Look!" She hissed while pointing at the disaster I was a part of.

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