Chapter 7- Here at last

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Chromia's Pov

The hours went by quickly and we finally made it to our designated campsite. Upon our arrival here I had questionable thoughts because my expectation did not meet this horrible reality. Where in hell's name did they have our asses dumped? The Forest resembled that of a horror film, that is; bushy, dark and creepy.

I stepped on a twig and Myra screamed, all eyes moving in her direction immediately. We were all aware of Myra's timid nature but this was rather extreme. I stared at the broken twig beneath my combat boots before my eyes moved to Myra who still had her mouth open.

Shockwave held an expression I could not quite describe from his position next to the buses. He turned his body rather stiffly to stare at Myra and I covered my face.

"I find the fact that you are terrified by a broken twig most illogical Pigtail" he hissed as he tilted his head and many recruits found this amusing. I slid my hand across my face slowly, Myra swallowing.

"I crushed twigs Myra, you are free to relax" I told Myra who gazed around with wild eyes.

"I heard something besides the twig" she stated and Shockwave shook his head as he turned to face the driver he was having a conversation with.

"Yeah right" One man mumbled and a few others continued to chuckle.

Why had the buses left? Well again...

Hopefully they would have taken what happened between Morgan and I with them because I really needed my senses back. I was stupid enough to let him touch me; he was a monster and so much more!

Curse you female hormones!!! Curse you too Morgan for activating them with that deep voice and those blasted violet eyes!!!

"So we are dumped in the middle of this location even safe?" Myra remarked as she gathered her luggage and I could already tell she was filled with fear.

The twig incident was only a preview.

''Jason will spring out of nowhere and dissect us as soon as it gets darker '' she continued and i scanned my processors to familiarize myself with this Jason.

Was Myra not old enough to know that these human horror characters were far from real?

"No one asked you female and such horror characters are created by human fiction" Morgan remarked as he removed his tent from his bag.

"He says that as though he isn't human" Pixie mumbled and her sister chuckled. I crossed my arms, the women had no idea.

"Now everyone watch closely cause I'll only do this once...anyone who fails to set up a tent after this is on their own" he hissed, his face pissed as usual. I was now eager to know if my sister's years as a recruit were just as horrible as my own.

"But sir..." and Myra was silenced before she knew it.

"Silence! All I require is your attention" he hissed at the unfortunate recruit who dared to argue with Morgan's statement. He began his demonstration as slowly as possible and I watched keenly.

****fast tent adjustment

****someone asked for tent instructions

As soon as he was finished everyone got into setting up their tents and mine was up in no time. Thank Primus (God) for my super advanced processor (brain). I was Shockwaves least favorite right now.

"Wow, you're made for the army, Ciara should be proud" Hol our female instructor commented and I smiled. A few recruits looked at me when she said this because by this time the rumor had to be swirling that Arcee and I were sisters.

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