Chapter 11- Hiking

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Chromia's Pov

"Mia, please tell me we ain't climbing that" Myra whispered and I redirected my gaze to the mountain we were supposed to be ' hiking '. Our trainers had to be doing what the humans referred to as 'kidding', they had to be kidding.

I could fall from thousands of feet in my cyber form and not break a bone yet I was petrified to embark on this journey. This tiny body made everything appear ten times larger so I could understand how the humans felt at this moment.

"Okay Myra I won't tell you" I stated in a sarcastic tone and she elbowed me while making a face to indicate that she disapproved of my sarcastic remark. I placed my feet on a rock so I could tie my shoelace properly.

"I am not kidding Mia, this looks dangerous" Myra informed me and I rolled my eyes playfully.

"I am sure our trainers have all precautions in check, there is no need for you to worry" I stated firmly and Myra continued to look around her with wild eyes.

"This entire forest is a reason for worry" She mumbled and I was yet to understand why she was so timid.

I chuckled while Myra adjusted the cuff of her sleeve, it was a nervous gesture. Our leaders were the only ones permitted to carry their rifles, we were yet to actually use our weapon as opposed to marching with them only. I switched foot swiftly, the other shoelace being tended to.

"Well team, let's move" Hol stated and we followed her and Morgan as they led us towards the mountain I'd probably meet my end. I followed the humans movements and acted as though the mosquitoes in this forest affected me.

"Beware of spiders such as the black widow among other poisonous creatures" Hol warned as she stepped over an exposed tree root and we copied her movement as we looked around us. If we were to be aware of said creatures, why were we brought out here in the first place?

"Spiders?" Myra repeated in a broken voice.

"Oh no, are you afraid of an eight legged creature Jackson? I am afraid there may be other creatures such as scorpions" Morgan hissed as he used his steel toe shoes to step on a scorpion and some people gasped. I rolled my eyes, it was just a fragging (fucking) scorpion.

He was an absolute asshole teasing Myra like that.

"I want to quit, the army is too much" Anderson mumbled as he walked next to Myra and I and looked as though he was going to die anytime soon. I hopped a broken down tree while keeping my gaze ahead.

"Quit being a pussy would you, why join something you don't have the balls to endure?" Pixie hissed as she walked by us. That's when we saw it, a huge black widow spider resting on her back comfortably. I didn't know whether to stare at it or hit Pixie with a rock.

"Oh shit!" Myra stated and all other persons behind Pixie came to a halt.

"Who is going to tell her?" A guy mumbled and Myra chewed her finger nails, we could safely exclude my friend.

"If she starts screaming it is highly likely that she will pass that thing onto one of us" I stated as I did my very best to convince my teammate that I too was afraid.

"But she is my sister" Dillion mumbled and our trainers were slightly busy with what I assumed to be a decent conversation.

"Oh would you girls quit mumbling and tell the woman?'' a male hissed and with his booming voice Pixie turned to face us. Apparently she saw the space between herself and the team, her eyes scanning a few startled faces.

"Tell me what?" She asked as she spun around in an attempt to check herself.

"Um nothing" one girl squeaked and when she took steps closer we took steps backwards, a few women screaming. She cocked a brow while our seniors simply observed us, their conversation now being broken. I guess they were both assessing what we would do in such a situation.

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