Chapter 28- The first date?

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Chromia's Pov

I blinked at Emerald and Soundwave in disbelief. Sure, the words had fallen onto my processors but said words did not quite register just yet.

"He told you to ask me what?!" I exclaimed and the plate fell from my hand. Did my ears stop working due to my prolonged use of audio devices for the sake of music?

Had I really heard what I heard?

"Thanks for dinner, one called Chromia. My brother really did ask you on a date tonight so you may eliminate the expression of fright. He said he'd retrieve you by 7pm" Soundwave stated stiffly.

I looked at the clock and my heart stopped, it was now 6 pm. Wow, they told me an hour in advance, how considerate?

"Oh fuck! Can you guys watch Emanuel until I get back?! I'll pay you if it is a bit too much to ask right now but-" Emerald intercepted my statement within seconds.

"Go get ready, Mia, you didn't need to ask! Hurry, he said by seven!" Emerald stated softly as my apron was off within seconds.

I ran upstairs as though I was an athlete and the small exercise bothered me in no way.

"Don't you think you guys should have told me that earlier rather than stuffing your faces?!" I yelled as I entered the bathroom wrapped in a towel.

My guest did not issue an answer so I was left to assume that the distance was far too great for them to hear me. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. For someone who was once married, why was my current anxiety higher than the anxiety felt on the day of my wedding.

My shower was short and quick.

Ding, dong.

As soon as I heard the doorbell I came running down the stairs with a red shoe on my right foot and the other shoe in hand. I was shocked to find Emerald and Soundwave trapped in the world of television while my infant slept in the room upstairs.

"I believe he is here" I announced and they didn't even spare me a glance as they gave the television all their attention.

"Coming!" I announced as I hopped towards the door lifting my left foot to meet my hand holding the red shoe, forcing the shoe on. When I opened the door I almost had a severe heart attack upon seeing him. The last time I saw him in a suit was at Emerald's wedding and he looked damn amazing in it.

I swallowed, this time he was absolutely breathtaking and the wind pushed his masculine scent into my nostrils. Purple and black looked good on this man, it made me wonder what he would look like as a business man rather than a soldier. Not that his career wasn't a perfect fit because those amazing muscles built by the army were now visible through the suit.

What the hell was I thinking? Being that Primus could hear my thoughts it would actually appear as though I was actually in love with the man before me.

He didn't wear his hair down either, instead it was in a tight ponytail and my eyes fell from his face to the rose in his hand. His eyes followed my gaze, Shockwave struggling to hold the flower as delicately as he possibly could.

"Do take this plant from my hand" he stated as he handed me the flower which I took and sniffed softly. I smiled, it was fresh and free of thorns. His request was more of a demand but I realized he wasn't a man to date so he wouldn't know the right thing to do.

"Thank you, you look amazing...except you still haven't done your tie" I told him as I tipped and removed the undone tie from around his neck.

"About that...I don't wear suits, they aren't my thing so I never did learn how to do that" he told me with the tilt of his head and I placed the tie around his neck once again.

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