Chapter 11

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I grab my jean jacket, and black jeans. I'm heading towards the door, and I spot Sunny,

"Sunny, can we go for a walk?"

"Depends where"

"The closet park?"

"Sure, we'll walk there"

I put on my jacket and head for the door with Sunny right behind me.

I can see the pretty city lights of Los Angeles, the city must be a buzzing with energy, what I'd give to be them, and be happy.

We walk for about 5 minutes and there's the park. It's a dainty little park, at least there's swings so I head towards those. I look at me watch, it's 12:28am, the air's cool and there's a light warm breeze, Arizona was nothing like this. The heat was unbearable at times, here it's different, the people are different, life, and the over all energy of California is different.

I'm sitting on the swings and Sunny sits beside me, we sit and swing in silence, it's funny seeing the professional Sunny sitting in a children's playground, I crack a little grin, Sunny catches it,

"Nice smile" he says

"Thanks" I smile again

He smiles back, "You should smile more often, it suits you"

"I could say the same for you"

He laughs,

"This is a serious job, there isn't much time for laughter and smiles, but once in a while, you could catch me with a grin" he smirks

I swing a bit more, a minute later I see a figure heading towards us,

"Sunny?! Aria?! Is that you guys? We've been looking for you, and Sunny, we've called you multiple times! After you didn't answer we thought something happened!"

I hug my jacket closer to me, Nathaniel looks at me,

"Are you cold? Let's go back inside the house"

"No Nathaniel, it's just that I wanted some time outside, it fine, I want to stay"

"Alright, then I'll stay with you" he sits in sunny's seat, I didn't even realize he got up,

"Alright, Sunny you can leave now, I can watch her"

Sunny leaves, I watch him walk along the side walk,

"What were you thinking coming out here? You should've told one of us, we wouldn't of went through all this trouble to look for you"

"I'm glad someone cares, I was with Sunny it's not that big of a deal"

"Your right, but one of you should've told someone"

I don't respond I just look up the the pretty lights, and swing back and forth.



I hear him, it's Shaun


I have my hood up, sitting in the playground swings.

"Aria?" He says breathless

"Only you would have your hood up at 83 degree weather" he laughs, I don't.

"What's up?" He asks me, he's been my friend since forever, he's noticed my moods have been down ever since I've been kidnapped and taken away somewhere for a year.

"Nothing" I say

3 years ago, I was laying in the dirt road, I gasp as the sound of cars go rushing past my ears. I crawl away from the cars. I notice one car stop and I see someone get out, he's running towards me,

"Miss! Miss? Oh my god, it's Aria! Jesus, are you alright?"

I nod, it's Shaun's father, William Westin, his mother comes out the car and cries running towards me,

"Honey, it's okay we've got you" I see Shaun step out of the car, he looks so different, he looks so upset and sad, but when his eyes find mine, I see the light in his eyes once more, I see he's still himself, I see The tears run down his face, he smiling and laughing, he walks up to me,

"Oh Aria, I'm so thankful your alive"

He hugs me tight, everyone's in tears, Shaun's family was my family.



"I love you"

I get up from the swings and kiss him, I kiss him like he is my only lifeline, like he is the only thing in this world that can save me from everything. He kisses me back, with the same passion I'm giving him, I didn't realize i had tears rolling down my face, till Shaun stopped and ran his thumbs across my cheeks.


That was the last time I cried, and sitting here, now, bring tears to me eyes.



"I think I'm falling for you, please don't say anything, just hear me out, it's been different with you, a good different and I've changed with you, I know you don't know me well, but that's just how I feel"

"Please don't" I whisper and I hope he doesn't hear me, my hair covers my face as I look down, the tears come out and leave dark spots, but they're hidden by the black colour of my jeans.

Nathaniel gets out of his swing and takes two steps towards me, he brings my chin up, gently puts my hair behind my ears, he keeps a hold on my chin, and brings his face closer, and lightly brushes his lips on mine,

He whispers in my ear, "don't cry"

He looks at me, and runs his thumbs across my cheeks, more tears come as I recall the memory of Shaun doing the same thing, Nathaniel wipes them away.

"Let's go home"

He grabs my hand and intwines his fingers in mine, and squeezes tight.

We walk in silence, he doesn't bring up the crying or asks any questions, he just stares at me and gives me that beautiful smile of his every time I catch him looking at me.

We've reached the door, he lets go of my hand, grabs my head and kisses my forehead,

"Good night Aria"

He opens the door and walks in, I watch him leave,

"Good night Nathaniel" I say out to no one.

Everyone just wants someone to love them as much as they love the other person.

I get ready for bed, I lay there in thought, thinking about what happened today, but the one question that rests in my mind, I wanted to kill myself earlier today, but I wonder,

"Why didn't I do it?"

What held me back?

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