Chapter 17

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I'm carried out of the car, with a trace of dry tears on my face, I sniffle, Sunny looks down as I stirred in his arms,

"Oh good, you're awake" he says,

"I've never heard of anyone passing out more then an hour after being tased" James laughs

I barely register what he said as I'm being held and carried up the steps to my room.

"Why would she leave like that?"

"And in such a rush too"

I don't know who's in the room, but all I can concentrate on is how cold I am, and how warm this bed is.

I fall asleep to the sound of whispering voices, with dirty secrets.

I wake up groggily, and still half asleep, I look at the clock and find that's it's 12 in the afternoon, shit I just realized I'm back at the house.

Still in the clothes I was in last night, I get changed into some sweats and a long sleeved cotton shirt, I put my hair up.

I walk out of the room and head downstairs,

"Is she still asleep?" I hear the familiar voice of Derek,

"Yes sir, I checked not even a minute ago" I hear James vaguely reply,

I lean against the doorframe in plain sight of James and Derek, this is the first time I've felt absolutely furious in years,

"I'm awake, and I'd like some food....please"

"Oh!...Aria....please, we have some blueberry muffins on the table, help yourself, and some orange juice too if you want" I hear Derek reply and I turned myself away from him towards the freshly baked muffins,

"Is there something your not telling me father?" I smirk as I say father and turn to see him spit out his coffee,

"Did I hear you correctly Aria?....did you just-"

James looked amused, I'm sure he knew who I am,

"I don't know, did you?" I glare at him, then smirked as I see him opening and closing his mouth as if to reply, but eventually he shuts it, and continues drinking his coffee.

"Good-morning, James, Derek, Aria!?"

Rosalie practically shouts at the top of her lungs, I wince a bit,

"Where have you been?!...we've been worried sick....three days Aria! Three!"

She sounds more like a mother to me, than to Nathaniel,

"Come on Aria, you know better to try to run off, you still have your parole to worry about, not to mention you're not allowed to leave the state!"

I suddenly have a pounding headache, that doesn't stop, Rosalie's voice is distant and I can't hear what she's saying, everything looks so blurry,

"ugh, my head hurts"

I bend over and hold onto the counter while holding my head,


I'm back in bed, and I'm violently coughing, I've never been this sick in a long time.

I hear the door open and I look up, "Aria, hey, we brought in our family doctor to see you"

its Rosalie, as she opens the door wider a man steps in from behind her,

"Hello Aria, I'm Dr.J. Smith"

Shit what happened?

He steps forward silently towards my bed, Rosalie falls instep the with him.

"I'm just going to check your vitals"

As he does that I'm trying to remember what happened yesterday or any day this past week.

"Okay Aria I need you to breathe in deeply then exhale slowly"

I breathe in deep but the air gets stuck and I cough and wince,

"Hm, do you smoke Aria?"

"I have, I just don't remember the last time I had a cigarette..."

"Well you've got a smokers lungs, I suggest you take a break, and I'm not allowed to prescribe you pills, for reasons you already know, bed rest would do just fine and plenty of water, okay?"


"Good" he turns to Rosalie,

Rosalie" he nods his head at her and walks out the door.

"I'm sick?"

"Supposedly" she sighs "if the coughing gets worse we might have to go to the hospital"


So I'm stuck in bed for the rest of the day, my whole body feels numb, a heavy sort of numb, I can barely move my arms. I try to sleep it off, but I can barely shut my eyes. Suddenly I hear a knock at the door.

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