Chapter 14

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Picture of Rosalie (Nathaniel's mom)

We didn't get caught, and no one noticed we were gone, strange...

I fell asleep.

I start getting ready for breakfast, Sunny comes down with me, he doesn't say anything about yesterday. I don't question it.

I don't have a hangover

"Aria, you've got a session with me today, alright?"

Rosalie says without looking up from her plate,

"Yeah alright"

"Follow Sunny, he'll show you where my room is"

I nod, and watch Sunny drink a smoothie he just made with strawberries, blueberries, and a banana.

He gulps it down,

"Finish your breakfast, and we'll head up" he says

I eat as much as I can, half the plate which is better than usual.

I follow Sunny up the stairway, and we turn down to the hallway taut I didn't get a chance to look at, this hallway has photos,

Most of them are of Nathaniel and his mom together, and Gabriella with Derek separate.

Derek is Nathaniel's step-dad?

I would assume so because they look nothing alike.

Sunny knocks on a door,

"Come in" I hear Rosalie's cheery voice,

Sunny opens the door and motions me to go in first, I walk in and Sunny walks in behind me,

I take a look around the office, it's very spacious high ceilings, a large window, pictures line the walls, and a large wooden desk in the middle of everything. I sit in one of the leather couches near her desk.

"Alright Aria, this is just going to be me asking you simple questions, these questions will reflect on how you respond to then mostly, like if you respond to them negatively or positively"

I hesitate a bit,


"Okay, first question, what's your favourite colour?"

"Uh-I don't have one"

She nods, she writes sown thing down, she writes in concentration, I don't know if my answer was positive or negative,

"Are you a lesbian, Aria?"

"What? No, I had a boyfriend so no"

I give a nervous laugh, the serious face she had on when she asked me was ridiculous, and I got really nervous, she looks pretty happy at my response,

"That was a negative response, which is normal" she smiles

Well, I'm far from normal,

"Alright, are you sexually active?"

"Uh, as of right now no..."

"Okay good, so you're not a virgin?"


She writes some more stuff down,

"Did you have breakfast this morning"


"Uh yes I have had breakfast this morning..."

"Did you sleep last night"

Yesterday comes crashing back,

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