Chapter 19 - Sanguinem

Start from the beginning

Yu latched onto the vampire only to get picked up by the collar.

"Apologize!!" He demanded grabbing and yanking the hands of fugly ass bitch number one.
"Do it or else!!" He screamed.

Fugly ass bitch wasn't even fazed by that.

Mika stepped in by apologizing for Yu's behaviour but he was ignored.

I decided to step in by clearing my throat and glaring at the gaurd.

"And what do you think you're doing?" I asked out of nowhere. Yu kept on yelling and Mika jumped in surprise.

"Please I promise this won't happen again-

"Dammit Mika! I was in the middle if kicking this guy's ass!" Yu interpted. This ticked fugly ass bitch off so he ignored me. Oh he has it coming.

And went to the wall and hung him over.

Fugly 2 still stood there knowing his partner stepped into some deep shit. No one ignores Kayana-sama when she's in scolding mode.That's basically asking for death.

He was about to get him over and make him fall to his death when.

"What's going on here~" that oh so smooth and sexy voice cut through the air. Making a small blush somewhat find it's way on my cheeks.
Still though, I had a glare directed at fugly. He ignored me and is touching my Yu-kun.

Ferid walk- no strotted down the stairs with his sadistic yet innocent smile as he observed the scene unfold. Shiro, he was training.

Ferid, I don't know where he was heading.

The vampire threw Yu to the ground having him cough violently. I quickly went to aid him despite his protests. I lightly pounded his back until he caught his breath back. I then helped him to his feet.

I sent a glare at fuglies back before he walked off and muttered in his ear standing on my toes.

"If you defy me again. You will have hell to pay." I muttered coldly as I stopped air from reaching his lungs. "Y-y-yes Lady S-shiona." He stuttered out gasping. I shoved him away and re-focused my attention on Ferid ignoring his rude "Tsk."

"Lord Ferid!" Mika exclaimed.


Wait. Am I missing something.

"Yu, do you know him?" I whispered as I watched Mika run up to him.

"No." Yu hissed in disgust.

"Why would I know a damned fang more importantly why does he know a damned fang?" He seethed.
I gave him an unsettling look.

"I don't know." I muttered.

"Ah~ Young Mika~" Ferid purred.

"What's all the fuss about?" He asked with his hands on his hips.

"Oh nothing. Just one of my family members causing trouble again" Mika dissmissed with a heartwarming smile. If only it were genuine.

"Oh that must be so stressful~Poor Mika. "

"I know." He said. His lewd smile has now returned.
He stroked Mika'a cheek gently. Too gently.

"How about you come by my mansion tonight."

"I'd love that." Mika replied.


"As would I dear boy. You have such sweet blood. You're always welcome." He then titled his head towards Yu's direction.

"And would the trouble maker be joining us?" He asked.

"Tch. Like HELL I W-

"Oh~ I don't think that would be such a good idea. He's shy" Mika said quickle hugging Yu.

Ferid glanced at me and winked. I returned it with a smile.

"Oh what a shame~" Ferid pittied.

"Maybe next time~"

The two boys then scurried off or more like Mika dragged Yu off.

I found myself at the side of Ferid to chat for a while and maybe find out why the hell he is taking my poochie.

He spared them one last glance before

"Hm." Ing and then walking away fabulously with his arm around my shoulder. Lowkey glares from gaurds.


Ferid and I were at his study. I was having some of his blood when there was a sudden knock at the door. I sighed grumpily and pulled my fangs out of his skin and wiping up the blood as the wound closed.

"Who is it?" Ferid asked annoyed.


"Come in."

I got off of his lap and sat on his desk instead.

Mika's small form appeared instantly. He gave off a bright smile and waved.

"Kayana-sama!Lord Ferid!" He delightdly greeted.

I blinked twice.

"Hi there Mika-chan." I responded. Ferid smiled and beckoned him over to his lap.

"Hello Mika, let's get this over with. I have things to do." Well. Now he has things to do.

He bit Mika's neck earning a moan  of pain from the boy. He sucked his blood until he received a tug . Ferid went on o take a little more blood before he released him.

Mika got up wobbly amlnd I just looked at him

"Oh~ I stopped just in time!" Ferid exclaimed grinning as if proud of himself.

Mika nodded tiredly.

"Good bye Lord Ferid and Kayana-sama!!"

"Bye Mika!"


"Ferid . I'm sleeping in you quarters tonight." I mummbled tiredly as I felt my eyes closing down on me.

I positioned myself on his lap again and leaned my head on his chest.

"Carry me."


Then I fell asleep.

They're dying

They're dying


They're all dying.


More dead
More death

They're all dying

No. They're all dead



Levi and Ferid are my baes. Adios

(Editing)The Light And The Darkness. Seraph Of The End X Reader Fanfiction  Where stories live. Discover now