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(This is an example of a mary sue story with bad spelling. I hope you hate it!)

Onese upon a tiem, Dragonkit was flying in the ski with Powerkit and Solarkit. That's when Jayfether got a propecy! Starcln siad, Dragons will come to save cln of Moon!!!1!!11 but Jeyfether didn't understad. All cats lifed in Mooncln, where they cuold eat and sleep and play and have catnip and have oners to pet them all the teim!!!111!! but th oners were not there most of the tiem, but the cats had roboic hans to pet them all the tiem!!!!111111!

Dragonkit was the most specail kit in all of mooncln, becase she cuold fight off an entre cln and kil evereone himselve. Today, he was goin to becom a warrior becase she had all the powrs and no one had strengh like her and he could fight off an entir cln!!1!1111!!!

Awesomestar, the leader, steeped up to her and siad, "FDragonkit, do you want to be a warrir?

"UH, YESD!!111!!' Dragonkit siad, growing as tall as a mouintan!!?!!

'Then I name you,"

WAIT buumed Dragonkit, going back to his orginal form. I want to name my selve!?"

ok. awesomestar moewed.

"'i name me UltraDragonDivinestar!1!!111!!!!""

evereone bgasped! she is the new leder! they siad!

then Jeyfether got the propcy! ULTRADRAGOndivinestar!!!!111!!!1!!"" she yaowled 


YoU are pat of the porpacy!

AWESOMENESS!!11!!!!1!"' he yowled out!

and so Ultradragondivinestar saved all of mooncln from the evil Dark cats!


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