Ashfur's Big Mistake Part 1

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Firestar and Tigerstar are deep in thought, thinking about how Tigerstar came back.

Tigerstar: I don't even know what happened, but I just came back.

Firestar: Huh....

Ashfur is nearby dancing, with a squirrel in his paw.

Ashfur: I licked a squirrel and I liked it! In your face! You're just a pile of brambles!

Firestar: What did you say about my daughter?

Tigerstar: What did you say about my son?

Ashfur: Um.... Nothing! *Speeds away* 

Tigerstar: Let's go tell Brambleclaw and Squirrelflight. 

Firestar: Yeah.

Both speed off in different directions.


Tigerstar and Brambleclaw 


Tigerstar approaches Brambleclaw.

Brambleclaw: Hey dad!

Tigerstar: Hi.

Brambleclaw: This solves the mystery of everyone thinking I was you. Also, how are you back?

Tigerstar: I don't know... Let's think on it!


Ten minutes of thinking later


Tigerstar: Oh! Um.. I had something to tell you!  

Brambleclaw: What?

Tigerstar: Firestar- Oh, I mean Firestaff *Laughs silently* and I heard Ashfur say, and I quote, 'I licked a squirrel and I liked it! In your face! You're just a pile of brambles!'


Brambleclaw storms off to look for Ashfur.


Firestaff and Squirrelflight


Firestaff approaches Squirrelflight.

Squirrelflight: Hey dad!

Firestaff: Hi.

Firestaff: Um... I have to tell you something, Squirrelflight...

Squirrelflight: Yes!?

Firestaff: *Talks very quickly* Ashfur said this! 'I licked a squirrel and I liked it! In your face! Your just a pile of brambles!'

Squirrelflight: ...

Firestaff: Are you okay?

Squirrelflight: *Smoke coming from out of ears* GAH! THAT LOWDOWN ASHFUR! TIGERSTAR WAS RIGHT TO TELL BRAMBLECLEH'

Squirrelflight goes and joins Brambleclaw in his search for Ashfur.

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