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"Miharu-chan!" Kakashi shouted into Miharu's ear for the sixth time. Miharu finally snapped out of her thoughts. "Oto-san that hurt." Miharu yelped and held her ear. "Sorry Miharu-chan but I was calling you name six times." Kakashi giggled. "It's ok. I was just thinking about something." Miharu said. "And what were you thinking?" Kakashi raised an eyebrow. "If Akamaru wore a dress, what would it look like?" Miharu giggled. Kakashi chuckled. 

"I'm pretty sure Akamaru would like to not wear a dress in the first place." Kakashi sighed, earning a giggle from his daughter.

 "Hey so Miharu-chan, today I have a meeting with the famous Hyuuga clan here in Konoha. Would you like to come?" Kakashi asked. "Hyuuga clan? Will I be with oto-san during the meeting?" Miharu asked. "Haha, maybe." Kakashi winked, again doing the closed eye smile. "Ok I'll come!" Miharu smiled. "Ok then. Now get out of your pajamas and get dressed." Kakashi said as he left.

 Miharu looked down and saw that she was wearing her sky blue pajamas with Doraemon designs. "Oops!" Miharu said and ran up to her room. She changed into a cream shirt with a dango kitty picture in the center. The background in the picture were the same colors as the dango: pink, yellow, green. She wore grey shorts and black ballet flats. "Ready!" Miharu said as she rushed downstairs. 

Miharu stepped outside and breathed in some fresh air. "Hey so oto-san, what's the Hyuuga clan like?" Miharu asked. "Well they have a very powerful power too. It's called the Byakugan. It's best not to talk about it now, wait until you grow up. The Hyuuga clan is very powerful too." Kakashi said. "Byaka wha?" Miharu said and scratched her head. Kakashi laughed. "When you're older ok?" Kakashi winked. "Ok ok." Miharu sighed. "Oh Kakashi! Miharu!" Kurenai called out. She was with Asuma. 

"Kurenai-sensei, Asuma-sensei!" Miharu waved. "Well what's this? A father-daughter day?" Asuma walked over. "No Asuma. I'm just taking her with me to the Hyuuga clan residence. You're coming right?" Kakashi brushed some of his hair out of his face. Kurenai and Asuma nodded. "Hey so Miharu-chan, do you like the academy?" Kurenai sweetly asked. "It's great!" Miharu responded. "That's a good thing." Asuma winked. "So I heard that there are some kids in the Hyuuga clan, I'm sure you'll love to play with them." Kakashi said. Miharu nodded. "Also Gai showed me a family photo of you and your dad. You look so cute with the Konoha forehead protector!" Kurenai did the closed eye smile. "Thank you Kurenai-sensei!" Miharu smiled. 

Now at the Hyuuga clan residence, Miharu stared in amazement to see such big houses. "Let's go inside." Kakashi said and walked into a big house. Inside there, there was a huge crowd of Hyuuga clan members sitting down. There were also some teachers from the academy, Iruka for example. "Kurenai Yuhi, Asuma Sarutobi, Kakashi Hatake, I suspect Miharu Hatake." a man with lavendar eyes, liek most of the Hyuuga people had, said. "Hiashi Hyuuga, an honor to be here." Kakashi said and bowed along with Kurenai, Asuma, and Miharu. "Miharu, I'm sorry but do you think you could wait outside of this house? This meeting is very grown up and it might effect you if you stay." Hiashi asked. "I understand. I'll be outside oto-san!" Miharu smiled and went outside, leaving the meeting to commence.

At least half an hour passed. Miharu was pretty bored. She was counting how many strands of hair she had. "101...104...109...." Miharu counted. "Um who are you?" a shy voice said above her. Miharu looked up to see a girl with short purple hair and a boy with long brown hair in a tiny ponytail. She was about to call them "Arashi-chan" and "Akahana-chan" because of the similar appearance but they were different.

 "Oh me? I'm Miharu Hatake. My oto-san is inside in a meeting." Miharu introduced herself. "H-Hi, I'm Hinata Hyuuga." Hinata shyly said and held out her hand, which Miharu gladly shook. "Neji Hyuuga." the boy said and they shook hands too. "Are you lonely Miharu-san?" Hinata asked. "Well I'm not really lonely, I'm just bored." Miharu winked. "Well if you want, you could play hide and seek with us! My sister is playing with us too." Hinata invited her. "Ok I'll join!" Miharu smiled and got up.   

As the trio was walking to Hinata's sister, many conversations were struck up. "You know Hinata-chan, Neji-chan, you look a lot like my best friends Arashi-chan and Akahana-chan." Miharu admitted. "Arashi and Akahana? Are they from Konoha?" Neji asked. "No. We're from Takigakure." Miharu shook her head. "You're adopted??" Hinata asked. "Yes. Oto-san adopted me, he's nicer than my parents who didn't love me." Miharu added. "Well it's good that you have parents." Neji said. Hinata looked a bit sad. 

"Hinata-chan are you alright?" Miharu asked. "Yeah. It's a long story that we'd rather not talk about." Hinata managed to smile. "Oh ok. So where's your sister?" Miharu smiled back. "Over there." Hinata pointed at a girl with long brown hair. "Hanabi Hyuuga, my cousin." Neji said. The girl turned around. "Who is she?" Hanabi asked. "I'm Miharu Hatake. My oto-san's here in a meeting so Hinata invited me to play hide and seek." Miharu lifted her hand for Hanabi to shake. Hanabi hesitated but ended up smiling and shaking it. "Ok so the rules are that for Hyuuga clan members, no using your Byakugan unless it's an enmergency. Whoever the seeker finds, they have to help the seeker find more people. The first person found is the seeker." Neji explained. "I still don't know what this Byakugan is but alright!" Miharu raised a fist into the air. 

The hide and seek game started. Hanabi was the seeker so that left Miharu, Hinata, and Neji to hide anywhere in the Hyuuga clan residence. Neji hid his house. Hinata hid outside the training grounds. Miharu hid outside the house the meeting was in. Hanabi was busy wandering around looking for her cousin, her sister, and her new friend. Unfortunately for Neji, he was found first. Hinata was found next. "All we need to find now is Miharu-san." Hinata said. Hanabi nodded and the trio walked to find Miharu. The trio took a while to find Miharu. But when they did find her...

"Lightning Release: Lightning Prison!" Miharu shouted, did hand seals, and bars of lightning surrounded the Kumogakure ninjas. Most of the people inside the big house rushed outside, Miharu was outside the house. "What's the meaning of this??!!!" Hiashi demanded. "Well these ninjas, I heard them saying that they were going to poison you and kill all the Hyuuga clan members. Then they saw me and they started to throw these point things at me. Then I attacked." Miharu explained and pointed at a shuriken on the floor.  

Kakashi immediately ran over to his daughter and checked out her arm. There was a cut that was bleeding. Blood was starting trickle down her arm slowly. "Are you ok Miharu-chan??" Kakashi asked, his eye was filled with worry. "Yeah I am oto-san. My arm just hurts." Miharu said and winced a bit in pain. Kakashi quickly got our some bandages and covered up the wound. "I'm glad you're alright." Kakashi sighed with relief and wrapped his arms around Miharu. Miharu did the same, with one arm. "Miharu-san!" Hinata called out. Miharu turned around and saw Hanabi, Hinata, and Neji running towards her. "Hinata-chan!" Miharu smiled. "Are you alright? That cut must've hurt." Hinata asked. "I'm ok Hinata-chan." Miharu did the closed eye smile.

Meanwhile, the Kumogakure ninjas were being interrogated. "Heh, we only came here to kill the one who killed our Head Ninja of Kumogakure." one of the ninjas confessed. Hiashi's eyes widened. "That would be me. But I only did it because your head ninja wanted to kill my daughter and find out the secrets of the Byakugan." Hiashi frowned. The ninja only ignored him and turned his head. "Bring these two to the Konoha Prison." Asuma instructed two of the Hyuuga ANBU and they did as they were told. 

"Hatake Kakashi, I am grateful that your daughter saved us from any harm." Hiashi bowed deeply. "I'm pretty surprised myself my daughter learned to do that.." Kakashi admitted. "I could see her becoming a great ninja when she grows up." Kurenai smiled. "Me too." Asuma joined in. Hiashi nodded. "Miharu-san you were amazing!" Hinata complimented her. "You saw me?" Miharu tilted her head. "Well we were looking for you and when we did, you summoned lightning." Hanabi said. "I was found first." Neji pouted. Miharu held back a laugh but ended up snorting. Miharu and Hinata bursted out laughing. They were soon followed by Hanabi and Neji giggling.  

Later, Kakashi and Miharu bid their farewells. There was a giant smile on Miharu's face, meeting some new friends is always a great thing.

"Oto-san, I got some blood on my shirt." Miharu looked down and pointed at a blood stain. "Yeesh, how much did you bleed?" Kakashi asked. Miharu shrugged. "Well I guess I could clean that...if I don't fall asleep." Kakashi snickered. Miharu started hitting him playfully, much to Kakashi's laughter. 


Summer's coming YAY!!!!! I'll be preparing for birthday parties, cleaning, barbeques, and vacations. I just learned canadian bacon is ham >.<. Anyways I'll see if I could add more to my stories. Thank you and updates coming soon!! BYE!!

Born From a Fire (Kakashi daughter fanfic, KibaxOC) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now