Cliff Climbing

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(Miharu P.O.V)

It's been a couple of days since I visited Sasuke-san's hospital room. It was official, Sasuke-san and I would be fighting together in the Chunin Exams. Oto-san said that we would be given back-breaking training that should strengthen our muscles.

Sasuke-san and I might die during our training.

Yet somehow, that just made me more excited for training.

Not that I wanted any of us to die. It's just that I wanted to become stronger, just like Sasuke-san. This training can either result in the strengthening of our skills....or our deaths.

I know that if we successfully complete our training, we would become a lot more stronger. That goes without a doubt. The thought of me becoming stronger to help my friends gave me motivation, it felt like an adrenaline rush.

Sasuke-san was still in the hospital.....or so I thought.

Oto-san and I headed out to the cliffs before Sasuke-san. The moment I stepped out into the forest outside of Konoha, I felt like there was no turning back. I can't just turn around and change my mind, saying that I didn't want to go to the cliffs. I can either return home alive or dead.

There's also the result of being deemed a coward, trying to avoid my training.

I won't be a coward. Instead, I'll risk my life!

Somehow, I was able to say that with a confident smile.

(Normal P.O.V)

"We're here, Miharu-chan."

Kakashi stopped walking and looked up at the cliffs. Sure enough, the cliffs' appearance matched Kakashi's description of them.

They were steep. They were rocky. They certainly looked dangerous. There were some blood stains on them.

Miharu's eyes widened at the sight of them, her expression slightly faltering. "Well shi-" she said, quickly covering her mouth from cursing. Kakashi immediately noticed and his eye widened. He covered his masked mouth and hunched over slightly.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh." he mimicked a young child reacting to someone cursing. "Miharu-chan, don't curse. It's not a good thing and will stain your title as a ninja."

Miharu's face started to turn pink and stomped her foot. "I didn't mean to say it! It just--"

"Slipped out? Yeah....right...." Kakashi gave her a suspicious look, before brushing it off. "Anyways, we're here...again. See how they matched my description of them?" asked Kakashi. Miharu nodded in response.

"Now then..." Kakashi started walking towards the cliffs. "What should I make you and Sasuke do first? Climb up these cliffs? Climb down these cliffs? Attempt to lift the entire cliff? So many things to choose from..." he started to wander off.

His daughter raised an eyebrow. But like him, she started to wander off. She started to look around the cliffs, see if they really are intimidating and dangerous up close.

She studied them carefully, still continuing to walk. She noticed how much the cliffs towered over her short body. How tall were the cliffs? From her view, they seemed to touch the sky and into space. An exaggeration, which seemed very true.

Born From a Fire (Kakashi daughter fanfic, KibaxOC) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now