Sasuke's Room

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"Sasuke, I'm coming inside." Kakashi said as he opened the door, leading to Sasuke's hospital room. There was Sasuke, laying down on his hospital bed. 

"Kakashi-sensei...." Sasuke looked up to face him. "I brought a visitor by the way." Kakashi did his usual closed-eye smile. "I don't want any..." Sasuke grumbled. "This visitor is important. Come in, Miharu-chan." Kakashi faced the door. 

Miharu entered the room, giving a quick smile to Sasuke. "Why is Miharu here?" Sasuke asked. "Well, Miharu-chan is here because she's going to fight with you and Gaara in the main matches." Kakashi answered. 

Sasuke gasped quietly. "Really?" he asked. "Yup. The people who passed the preliminary matches drew pieces of paper from a bow. On those pieces of paper, they had a number. Gaara got the number three. You got the number four. I got the number three and a half. You, me, and Gaara are on the same block." Miharu explained. 

"Now here's the thing, Miharu-chan. This happened before in previous matches, similar to your future match. You have the opportunity to either team up with Sasuke to defeat Gaara, team up with Gaara to defeat Sasuke, or fight by yourself and try to defeat both." Kakashi explained. 

"Really?" Miharu sounded excited. "Yes. So make your decision now so I can tell the Third Hokage later." Kakashi nodded. 

"Miharu." Sasuke glanced at her, who turned to face him. "How strong is Gaara?" 

"Gaara.....he's..." Miharu started to think back to Lee's match. 

(Miharu P.O.V)

I remember everything about that match....

The movement of the sand.

Lee's incredible strength.

The tension rising in the air.

The parts of debris that flew everywhere (and hit my head).

And especially....the bloodlust in Gaara's eyes.

It looked almost unnoticeable. Even if it was a small amount, there was bloodlust in Gaara's eyes. It was terrifying. It was best not to mention it during the exams, it might scare some people. 

But would it scare Sasuke-san?

"Well....Gaara's very powerful. I'd best go into detail about how he acted during the match." Miharu started.

"When Gaara was fighting Lee-san in the first few minutes, the look in his eyes were cold and emotionless. As Gaara continued to fight, I saw a small hint of bloodlust in his eyes. It was tiny, but there."

"Gaara used sand as his weapon. He keeps it in his giant gourd on his back. When he used the sand to fight Lee-san, it seemed to prowl towards him like a monster. It slowly prowled up to Lee-san, ready to attack him. But as the fight progressed, the sand became more violent and seemed to lunge towards Lee-san."

"Gaara used this sand armor. When Lee-san started to overpower Gaara, there were cracks shown on his body. That was his sand armor. When it started to break off, there was this....expression on Gaara's face. The creepy smile of his face, the killing intent in his eyes, he acted similar to a psychotic murderer."

"He looked completely evil."

"Lee-san was severely injured from the fight. I don't know if he can still fight anymore. Gaara....he's not someone who should be underestimated." Miharu finished. 

Sasuke-san was silent. I think he was thinking about how terrible and scary Gaara was during the battle. I hope I didn't scare him that much.....

But then, Sasuke-san smirked.

Born From a Fire (Kakashi daughter fanfic, KibaxOC) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now