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Tom sat there on his bed, it was about 3:00am or so, He didn't quite understand the meaning of sleep.
For an average person it's as simple as closing you're eyes and going to sleep, but for tom this was was not the case.
He didn't have eyes, that wasn't the problem though, as a matter a fact he didn't know what was.

Tom was the kinda person that was overly consumed with stress but you couldn't tell if you weren't close to him.
Tom didn't really trust anyone besides his friends Edd and Matt so no one knew about his inner feelings and just thought he was a drunk.

Although Tom was underage he has picked up habits from his broken family such as smoking and drinking, to him it was alright though because it was a way to end the stress.

Tom picks up a blue backpack up off of the ground and places it on his lap, this bag had many rips in it but it was poorly sewn up with patches of toms old cloths that wouldn't fit.
Nobody gave a sh*t about buying him a new bag though, therefor he has a damaged one with white marker scribbled in little doodles of space on it.

He goes into the bag and takes on his phone and places it into a wall charger.
He felt pretty stupid for forgetting to charge it earlier but whatever.

He stood up to go to the restroom, looking into a half cracked and a half filithy mirror, he didn't want to look into it but it reflected his face back. He had bags under his 'eyes', toms emotional drain let to a self constructed hell.

Tom knew he needed to sleep but was that really the only remedy,, he knew if he slept he'd be haunted by his self esteem and the damaged walls beside him.

Now he could hear his parents screaming to each other, he knew they were drunks but he couldn't admit that to himself, after awhile of tom finally falls asleep with his busted up tv still on to some sort of kid show to drowned out the sound of hell.

Tom woke up to a school alarm, luckily it was Friday, Tom didn't have to deal with the ridiculous nicknames on the weekend such as pineapple, coconut, and drunk.

He grabs the busted up backpack I've previously mentioned and skipped breakfast with his parents. He walked out the door with all his things ready to go to the bus stop and to be harassed buy other classmates.

To Toms surprise there was only one person at the bus-stop, damnit his watch was wrong.

"Hey, are you new or something?" Tom looks in the general direction of a boy with a red hoodie on.

"Yeah I'm Tord and I'm new to you're school"
Tom noticed this boy had a thick Norwegian accent.

"Have you heard about me being a pineapple yet?" Tom looks at the new kid and questions why he's even talking with Tom.

"No, but you do kind of look like a pineapple now that you mention it." The boy with the red hoodie starts to laugh again. 

"Well,, whats you're name?" Tord beckoned for tom to come over to him.

Tord could tell something made tom uneasy so Tord didn't wanna ask anything, maybe it was his eyes, or lack thereof?

"I'm tom." 
Tom watched Tord go into his backpack and pull out of pack of cigarettes.

"We can't smoke at the bus stop, we can't even keep stuff like that on campus, I'm not telling you to get rid of it because I don't care. I'm just giving you a fair warning."

"Tom, don't act you don't have "inappropriate" things in you're school bag."

"What is that supposed to mean?"
Tom already knew from that comment Tord could smell the Smirnoff but he didn't shed light onto it.

After twenty or thirty minutes of talking, Edd and Matt show up at the bus stop.
"Hey what's up!" They said in unison

Tom thought to himself, knowing them that was probably practiced and rehearsed seventy five thousand times.

Matt was admiring his face in a small compound mirror, Matt always washed his hands because he didn't want oily hands and a "tarnished" face,, as he likes to call it.

Edd however was more focused on The new kid, making small talk with Tom and Tord has finally left Edd to conclude Tord was the boy in the red hoodies name.

After awhile of them chatting and Matt doing who knows what to his face in the mirror for twenty minuets they start to load onto the bus.

The 4 got on the bus first so they had any seat to themselves, Tom sits in the last seat and Tord goes and sits next to him, Edd and Matt sit in the seat infront of them.

"Wow I think we made a new friend!" Matt exclaims.

"Yeah, id like that." Tord smiles sweetly at Matt.

The start of something new. (TomxTord)Where stories live. Discover now