Ace stood up also and began listening to Nikki's complaining.

"What are you guys up to now?" A voice came from the archway entrance and in strolled Zane wearing his signature grey v-neck. His dark black hair was in the way that looked like he ran his hand through it a lot. His eyes weren't soft at all, they never were, but they always held a lot of emotion. He was smiling softly, making his cheekbones stand out.

"More like what are you up to?" Perri greeted him. "I feel like I never see you anymore." He pouted.

Zane rolled his eyes looking at all of us. "Ow, Ace!" He gave Nikki and Ace a curious look. Ace held his hands up as he began touching Nikki's back again.

As he stood over Perri and I, he looked down. "What-"

"Arden was trying to manipulate water." Perri explained. "Were you with that girl again?" He asked teasingly.

I raised an eyebrow at Zane already knowing the answer. He's been spending a lot of time with Johanna lately. Although, he didn't miss another training session, he's been very occupied and distracted.

I was curious to why he was spending all this time with her. If he wasn't around, most likely Zane was with Johanna.

Whenever they were around each other, I could feel my fire...almost like it was dying. It made me wary about her. What does that even mean? Maybe...maybe Zane was slowly starting accept that we're just friends? Maybe he feels differently than he used to. Zane rolled his eyes again.

"Yeah, when are we going to meet this girl, I want to see her." Ace called out still examining Nikki's back.

Nikki and Armani locked gazes with me and gave me knowing looks. They know Zane is hanging around the girl he bumped into at the college and now, they've lost it.

In a fast motion, Zane caught a silver arrowhead that was currently hurtling towards him. He caught it with ease and turned to Armani. He shook his head. "Mani, you throw the same damn arrowhead at me any time I see you."

"I actually just made that one, thank you." She corrected him.

"Nice." He smiled at her.

"Hello, everyone." Another voice came from the archway. We all turned at the sound of Athena's voice.

I was shocked and my head tilted when I saw she was wearing normal clothes. She was wearing blue jeans with a simple white blouse. It's normal for us to see in her her usual dresses or togas.

We all responded to her greeting and we sat up, listening to her next words. Athena smiled at all of us and sighed as she brought her hands together. "I'm glad to see that you're all here."

"Everything okay?" Perri asked.

Athena nodded and then shrugged. "Well, I actually have some news for you guys. Now before I-"

There soon was a cloud of smoke coming from the right. It looked greenish and I my eyes widened when Ares appeared.

Ares. ARES.

Ali's father was also wearing normal clothes- he wasn't in armour despite being War himself.

"Dad?" Ali asked from his spot on the wall.

Ares had long hair and stubble across the lower half of his face. His hair was a dark brown like Ali's and I'm just now seeing the resemblance- which is shocking. How did I miss that?

I caught myself staring because let's be honest, he's a freaking god.

"Ares," Athena gave him a look. "Do you decide when you get pop up, now?" Ares gave her an amused looked.

"I built this Underground Center. I am sure I am allowed to show up when I want to." His voice was deep and potent. Ares then turned to us with a grin and greeted. "Hey, guys. What's going on?"

We all greeted him back. "Well, before you disrupted us with your dramatic entrance, I was about to share something important to our Potentials."

Ares nodded slowly. "Right, right, I forgot about that." He made a face and I chuckled lowly. "Was that today?"

Athena nodded then looked back at us. "Oh, Nikki sweetie, are you alright?" She asked with concern. We all looked over to Nikki who was rubbing between her shoulder blades.

"Oh, i'm fine." She waved us off. "Just great."

"Okay.." Athena sighed with a slightly smile. "As I was saying, I have two important announcements for all of you."

We all looked around at each other, silently asking the other, 'What do you think this is about?'.

"Now, before I tell you guys, I want to let you know there is a reason why we have brought the executives together..." My body tensed immediately and I had an idea where this was going. Ares cleared his throat as he looked down at the ground.

Is it time for everyone to know that...he's back?

I looked at Perri and then up at Zane, neither of their faces giving away any emotion. "There is a reason why we brought Perri here to train with you guys, however....we all know there are four members to our Executives on Mt. Olympus..."

Now, I could feel the tension in the room. Everyone pretty much a sense Of what Athena was implying. I watched as Nikki stood up straight, her face turning into one of shock. Armani looked around curiously, also shocked, like she was trying to make sure she comprehending what was being connoted. Ali sat there with a hard expression, waiting for the next words of Athena. Ace's expression was cautious, it asked a thousand questions.

Athena looked at Ares briefly before continuing. "We didn't just decide to bring back Perri, but all the future Executives- including Hayden."

"Oh my goodness." I heard Armani mumbled. She ran hand down her face and Nikki's jaw dropped.

"Wait," Ace shook his head.

"Hayden." Nikki repeated, stepping forward. "Are you serious?" She wasn't angry, but she was anxious, you can tell. It seemed like she was going to erupt.

Athena stood there and gave them some time to process the information just given. Hayden left a great toll on all of us. Ace was trapped, trapped inside his own body, he had no control over himself.

Armani was set in emotional pain. She was falling for a boy, a boy that was quickly taken away from her, making it difficult for her to fight back. Not to mention, she had arrows lodged into her body, constantly.

Nikki was tested, they tried to hold her in, bound her, they limited her, which made her weak.

Ali was constantly cheated, and was was driven to anger, the one place he liked to stay away from.

Athena took a breath. "I you all feel about him. But, I ask that you put your trust in us." She stated slowly and strong.

I locked gazes with Zane again and we both gave each other rigid looks. It was going to be hard to watch our friends experience the recurrence and reliving of everything that has happened not too long ago.

I watched as he walked through the archway, hands in pocket, a natural, neutral aura.

I could feel the intensity in the room raise, literally. The air became thicker and I could feel the anger, confusion, and anxiety of their apprehension radiating off of my friends, me included.

Athena touched him on his shoulder, he was slightly taller than her. "Hayden." 

Hi everyone! Did you like this chapter?

Because i'm making the chapters shorter in the book, there's probably going to more. The last one had about forty but I seriously doubt that for the sequel.

Well, how do you think everyone is going to respond to Hayden's return?

Remember to vote and comment, munchkins. Until next time,


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