Chapter Thirty Six: Pt. 2

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"Thomas! Over here!"

The boy hurried toward him. "I'm getting you out."

Seth glanced behind him to see a few other boys standing at the entrance. "What's your plan?"

"We have watch for an hour. I offered to the leader, and somehow, he let us, as long as we came with a few of the older archers." He pulled out a key and started rattling it into the lock.

"Where are the older ones?"

"We came ahead. They're on their way, so we have to hurry."

Seth pushed the door open. "Excellent. Let's get everyone, can you do that?"

"Yes. I only have one key, though." Thomas had already begun unlocking Jenna's door.

Seth itched to leave, looking around for anything that might help them leave faster. He walked up and down the aisle, waking everyone and telling them to be ready to run.

He went to the boys on guard. "You're with Thomas?" He asked.

They nodded. "He told us you're going for the cure," one said. "You the outlander?"

"That's me."

"You can run behind this building when you get out. Get across the lake behind as fast as you can. There's a forest on the other side. You better hurry."

"Great." Seth looked around with satisfaction as he noticed more and more questers hurrying to join them.

"Your packs and weapons are back there as well."

Seth looked at the boys, taken aback by their immense kindness. "Come with us," he said.

They glanced between each other. Seth caught their hesitation and fear, but urged them again. "You'll be punished if you don't. Please, help us get the cure."

One of them nodded. "I'll go."

"Zaccai! You can't—"

"I can! If we think the archers'll give us the cure, we're wrong. We have to go with them. We'll only get trouble staying where we are."

The other two hesitated.

"I'm in," said one.

The other grudgingly nodded. "I'll go too."

"It'll be dangerous," Seth said. "But think of your loved ones. Do it for them." They nodded, looking scared, but determined. Seth smiled. "You guys are questers now. Can you do me a favor? Help get the rest of us, with the packs, across that river."

They nodded, turning to head out of the prison. "Follow them," Seth told the other questers. "Hurry, hurry." He pushed them all out, and they went without question.

Piper stopped and met his eyes. "You got this?" She asked.

He nodded. "Go. I got this."

He turned back to Thomas who now worked frantically on the last locks. "Hurry, Thomas," he murmured.

Peter got out, gave Seth a nod, and then followed the group to the back of the prison. Finally, the last quester, Lena, was free.

Seth followed her behind the prison, making sure Thomas came as well. Almost all the questers had now made it across the river, tugging packs with them.

"Go!" Thomas pushed Seth to the river, but Seth stopped.

"Will you come?" He said.

Thomas hesitated, then shook his head. "I can't."

"Why not? Thomas, they'll shred you for letting us escape. Come with us, save your father."

"My grandma caught the disease. I have to go to my sisters."

Seth's entreaties died in his throat. "I see," he said. "I'm sorry."

"Go," Thomas said. "Please get that cure."

Seth put his hands on the boy's shoulders. "I will. I swear it."

Thomas nodded. "Hurry, they'll be here any second."

"Thank you, for everything," Seth said, turning to the river. "I'll be back soon."

He dove into the river, shaking as he touched it. It froze him to the core, but he forced himself to swim.

He made it after a few minutes, heaving himself onto the bank, and looking up to find the sopping group of questers.

"Let's go," he said through huffs. "We need to hurry. They'll be after us in no time. Anyone know which way?"

Peter motioned to a spot in the distance. "That way."

Seth looked in the direction Peter had pointed out, and his heart nearly stopped. A dark fog swirled in the distance, floating over a pointed castle. Seeing the castle sent shivers down his spine.

"Fangalia?" He said.

Peter nodded.

Seth looked at the castle again, and even though he'd seen it once already, his breath caught in his chest. They were so close.

He turned back to the questers, absentmindedly picking up a few emotions. They looked frightened, worried, and confused. Seth closed his eyes, gently stroking all the strands, sending determination and courage through them all. Moments later, he sensed hope among everyone and he smiled.

Feeling somewhat drained, but immensely satisfied, he looked at them all again. "Let's go," he said. "Time to get some Snow Flowers." 

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