Chapter Thirty Six: Pt. 1

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"Did you feel all that?" He couldn't see her, but he could hear her, as clear as if she stood there right next to him.

"I saw it. You look awful, Seth."

"That's your new favorite word for me, isn't it?"

"Pretty much. What was that, though?"

"I can feel emotions, somehow. Sometimes they overwhelm me."


"And you have visions, don't you?"

"Only through dreams... Either I or the person I'm speaking to needs to be asleep."

"Hm. I'll ask Jenna about that."

"Who's Jenna?"

"A friend of mine from Alaisia. She gets visions too, but she thinks you get them a little differently than she does."

"Jenna, Alaisia... what's going on with you?"

Seth fell silent, finding comfort in simply feeling her presence there. The connection didn't seem shaky like it had before, perhaps because she was asleep, but he didn't know how long she would stay.

"Seth?" She sounded concerned. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine." He really meant it, too. "You made all the stuff go away, and it peaceful."

She didn't say anything, but he knew she was there, watching, waiting.

Finally, he spoke. "Lydia and I fell through a Portal in Mom's closet. The Portal almost never opens, and the people here think Lydia made it open. So we came through because those assassins chased us, and we got to Alaisia. There's a place called the Paramount Palace, and the people who live there found us and brought us there after they rescued us from the assassins. When we were there, Lydia caught the disease—they call it the Thanaton Syndrome here. They told me I'm the key to the cure, and that I'm the only one who can get it. I don't think I believe that, but I have to do something for Lydia, so I'm on a quest to a dark place called Fangalia. There, we'll find what they call Snow Flowers, and then we can bring the juice back and save Lydia and everyone else stuck in comas.

"We've had to run away from archers, then battle wolves, who said Dad comes from Alaisia. After that we went into the mountain tunnels full of mud and small creatures you don't want to know about. We wandered in there for days. We got caught by these half spider half human things call Octruxes, and when we finally escaped, we found our way out of the tunnels. On our way out, giant worms attacked us and pulled us under the mud and drowned countless questers. Some of us escaped, and those left of us were found by small people called Fae Children. Those people were nice. They brought us to their home which they call the Arboris of Lucias, and I talked to their leader named Tova. He told me about my power, and Lydia's.

"After we left them, we headed toward a small town called Frell. We got chased by those archers I told you about, and when we got to the town, Spencer, our leader, turned on us and joined the archers. Now we're in prison cells. I don't know if we'll get out, but I'll do my best, for Lydia."

Through the faint connection, he sensed Rachel's emotions. She felt such intense sadness and longing, but somewhere, he thought he sensed pride and a bit of happiness as well.

When he finished, she sighed. "Thank you," she said. "Thank you, thank you."

He didn't answer, listening to her soft voice. She continued, after a moment.

"You met someone else, an archer. He's younger. I've seen him, and though I didn't understand before, you give him hope. He means to get you out."

Seth had to stop himself from sobbing as he recalled Thomas. That kid was so young, and so brave, and somehow, he'd found it in him to want to break them out?

"I think I usually see stuff in the present," Rachel said. "Sometimes maybe future or past. I can't always tell, but I know enough to tell you to have courage. Step up, encourage your questers, and don't let anyone stop you. It's on you Seth, I see that."


"Yes. Don't squirm away, do it. Get that cure, and don't rely on anyone else to do it for you."

He didn't answer, and she didn't continue. He basked in the relief of having her so near. He loved feeling her feathery presence there, encouraging and supporting him. She felt like home.

Finally, she said, "I have to go."

"I'll get the cure, Rachel, I promise, I'll—"

"I know."

She waited a moment, then broke away. He didn't protest.

He blinked.

The prison cell came back. Resolution filled him to the brim, and looking at Jenna just above, he felt only strong determination. The strands of emotions surrounding him showed fear and worry, but they didn't faze him.

"Was I out?" He asked Jenna.

"Yeah. You seemed to be struggling with something, and I wanted to help, but I couldn't. You figured it out though, I guess. You ended up falling asleep."

He nodded. "Good. Have they switched guards lately?"

She glanced back to the entrance of the prison. "They're about to, I think."

He nodded again. "Get ready to move anytime."

She looked confused, but he refused to drop any details. He had a theory, and he hadn't ironed every detail just yet. He thought it would surely crumble to pieces if he stated it out loud.

He felt more sure of himself when he heard that familiar voice. "Seth?" 

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