Chapter Twenty Eight: Pt. 1

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The bathing houses were all the way at the bottom of the tree ("We would have gone straight to bathing when we arrived, except the prince so desperately needed answers," Tova had said with a small smile). For the most part, Seth felt as though he were taking a bath in an indoor river of some sort. It seemed like they had somehow managed to hook up the lake so that it would stream through the bathing room, and then out the other side constantly, forming a sort of river bath. They must have had a water heater hooked up as well, because the water felt warm to the touch.

Seth thought feeling the sun after weeks in the tunnels had felt more amazing than anything else he'd ever felt. Sinking into the warm, sudsy water, he decided, may come out on top. Until now, he'd grown accustomed to the mud and grime caking his body. He'd forgotten the simple comfort of cleanness.

He didn't know how long he simply lay in the water, nearly falling asleep, before rubbing himself completely clean. He used a sweet smelling soap the Fae Children had provided, and felt immensely satisfied in washing down every inch of his body.

Finally, he shook himself off and got out. The Fae Children had also given new clothes, and taken his old ones to wash. Slipping into the soft material, already half asleep by now, he wandered out of the bathing room and followed directions to where he could sleep.

On the way to the room the Fae Children had assigned him, he spotted Spencer and Piper talking in a small grove in the tree, off to the side. He saw Spencer talking intently, while Piper listened, blank faced. Just before he lost sight of them, he saw countless emotions exploding on Piper's face. He was tempted to reach out and clarify what she actually felt, but saw her fling her arms around Spencer's neck and hold there. Seth decided he didn't need to know her emotions. He knew them already as well as he ever could. He walked to his room sleepily, happy to see that Spencer and Piper had finally made peace.

He vaguely saw the soft bed and cushions in the small room before collapsing onto them, asleep immediately.


Seth awoke to a soft glow streaming in through a window. He lay for a moment, admiring the wonderful, peaceful beauty of it.

Just as he began to wonder if he should get up, he felt a small prick. It felt so strange and unusual that he couldn't even tell quite where he'd felt it. He sat up, looking around and feeling his arms. It seemed most reasonable that he'd felt it on his arm somewhere, but that didn't feel right.

He jumped as he felt it again, stronger this time. His hands went to his head.

A familiar sensation came over him and he panicked as he felt the rummaging hands picking through his brain again. He felt all his confusion magnified and then pushed aside.

He inwardly screamed, clutching his head. With massive effort, he found the presence inside his head and smacked it away. For a few seconds, he felt nothing and relief flooded through him. He decided he'd have to have a talk with Tova about digging through his emotions like that.

"Now would be a good time," said Tova, back in his head again. "My apologies, Outlander— you intrigue me a great deal. Come out of your room, and Maire will show you to my study."

A second later, the presence was gone. Seth shook his head, disturbed by Tova and yet eager to know what else he had to say. After the talk last night, he thought the path ahead appeared much clearer and many silent questions finally had answers.

He opened his door to find a pretty young girl waiting outside. She looked up when he opened the door and smiled, saying, "Good morning, Outlander. Did you sleep well?"

Though she looked young and rosy, Seth could tell by her expression and the way she spoke that her memories and wisdom were ancient. She held herself in a way that convinced him she had seen many things, and her voice sounded firm and astute.

"Good, I slept amazing," Seth said, and he meant it.

"Excellent." She started walking away, waving a hand for him to follow. "Come. Tova has much to say to you."

He hurried to catch up with her. She had an intimidating presence, so that even though he stood at least a foot taller, he still felt obliged to do whatever she told him to do.

Yet, he didn't feel afraid of her. Not while she smiled and nodded at him, at least. He thought she had the capacity to be a terrifying enemy if she wanted to, but right now, her face encouraged conversation and questions.

"Is Tova some sort of ruler here?" He asked.

"Something like that," she said. "He directs us, but we all have the power to choose someone else if we wish. He fits the positions though— he's had it now over a hundred years."

"Oh, wow, yeah, that's a while."

She glanced at him, smiling a bit, before gesturing to a door in the trunk of the tree. "Tova's quarters," she said. "I'll lead you back to your room when you've finished."

"Thanks," he said.

She nodded and left, and he knocked on the door.

"Come in."

He opened the door to a small room that looked like a peculiar type of study. Leaf books hung around the wall, with quills and bottles of ink scattered about and a few log shaped chairs placed around a thick, smooth log growing from one end of the room to the other.

"Have a seat." Tova motioned to a log chair, and pulled out a basket, this time filled with small round fruits of all different colors. Seth eyed them, taking a tentative bite after Tova's encouragement. The fruits all mostly tasted the same— juicy and sweet, similar to raspberries and blue berries. Tova also provided some bread, spread with jam. It made for simple, yet delightful breakfast.

"You still have the vial I gave you, correct?"

Seth nodded. "Yeah, I put it with my things in my room."

"If you can, carry it with you everywhere you go. At least keep track of it at all times, particularly when you've gotten the snow flower juice. We've enchanted the glass, so it shouldn't break unless hit by the right spells. Now," he pulled out a few leaflet papers from a nearby shelf, "I'd like to talk about this little power you have." 

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