50. Lies And Drunken Truths

Start from the beginning

"You asked Tessa that?" She asked, her eyebrows raised.

He sincerely nodded.

Vanessa shuffled in her seat, trying to buy herself some time to think. "The thing is, Liam, that Audrey isn't the first girl I'd think of for dating. All she can offer you is friendshi-"

"I'm aware, and that's why I was okay with things. But now I think her friendship has levels. And Mason over there is getting the top spot. What she calls top level friendship, people call dating. Maybe she just doesn't like the titles and I'm okay with it."

"The second you'll ask her out in all seriousness, she'll start looking at you differently and I don't mean that in a good way."

He sighed. "Look at me. Being so pathetic."

"It's not pathetic. I wouldn't talk to you about her like this if I thought you were pathetic."

He feebly smiled. "Well, if I'm not a complete loser yet, I just go and tell her to at least be successful at being a loser."

"In this stage? Yeah, no. None of you are in the condition to have a talk like that."

He frowned. "I'm sick of waiting. And I also need to be drunk enough to finally spit the truth out without joking about it."

"You've already waited long, what's one more day when the odds aren't as much against you?" She persuaded.

He thought for a second and blinked. "Wow. I really just told you everything, didn't I?" He laughed. "To you, her sister, of all people."

"You can trust me with a little secret. I won't utter a word to her."

"That's not it. You have a confide-in-me vibe, I trust you. I just never thought it'd be so easy."

"Not gonna be with her." She averted her gaze on the grinning brunette being spun around by Mason; Liam's eyes followed. "You'll have to approach carefully."

Just then, there was a glass shattering sound and they jerked up to look behind them.

Tessa was looking down in shock on the glass pieces around her, her hand held out in the air as if she was holding the glass that fell.

"Are you okay?" Vanessa got up and approached her.

"Y-Yeah," Tessa sniffed, "it, uh, it slipped."

Vanessa sighed internally, immediately noticing that Tessa had been crying.

She looked at her sister and then at the two heartbroken people.

"I'll clean this up." Tessa bend down but Vanessa stopped her.

"No, you'll cut yourself. Let's do it later."

Tessa looked up and nodded. Getting back on her feet, she looked at the front where Mason and Audrey were dancing together, unaware of the commotion happening at the back.

"Uh.." Vanessa tried to think of a cover up, "you're not from here, are you?"

Tessa shook her head.

"How would you feel about a drive around the city? New York is prettiest at night."

"Yes." Liam immediately agreed. "We should move somewhere else. This place is suffocating me."

Vanessa changed her phone time settings to three hours ahead as she went right up on the stage and in between the other two.

"Let's leave."

"But it's so early!" Mason protested.

"Then let's go some place open."

"What's wrong here?" Audrey placed her hands on her hips.

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