Inside References

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Hola clase-wrong class, sorry.

What's the purpose of crying rather than crafting?

That is correct!(I hope someone answers eventually)

Remember the only appropriate time to cry is when we hear the g-note or listen to MCR. B-because they're music is good, uh, not for anything else.

Some of you look lost. Let's get the basics down veterans make sure the newbies are catching on.

*walks up to white board bc chalkboards are gross*

You will come accross references in your day to day life. Don't worry you'll get there, but to start off, let's begin with simple things. Don't hesitate to chime in with haven't you people ever heard of closing the goddamn door or with any comments, questions and concerns.

" 'Scuse me, could you please leave."

Said by Tyler Joseph and quoted multiple times by CrankthatFrank. Tyler was telling a story and casually slipped in a "scuse me, could you please leave".


Thanks Pete
A phrase circulating the interweb since 2014. It was the APMAS when Falloutboy won an award. Unfortunately the staff forgot Patrick is somewhat of a smol bean, a common mistake, so he could not reach the mic. Pete being the good man he his took it upon himself to lift his dear boyfrie-friend, his friend Patrick. Then was when Patrick uttered two words that would take the internet by storm. "Thanks Pete".


From an Italian show, popularized by CrankthatFrank. A meme any and every Yeemo knows. A dinosaur that chimes in with (haven't you people ever heard of) Yee.


Originated from a man yelling Reee when screaming, "Pickle Rick!", jumping on a counter, and rolling on the floor. Emo world claimed it again by Crank that Frank using it.



"Cheez Whiz"
Cheez Whiz was used by emo legend Ryan Ross. A simple, "hey, did you get any chips?",  that solicited a response that took the emo community by storm. Especially when Frank continued to use the joke.


"What the fuck is going on"
Not only is this a meme itself,  it comes from a video meme. Drunk History of Fall Out Boy. Often this meme is used to express confusion.

Meme Link:

Video link:

I really struggled to have content for this class,  but it was a bit of a flop. Good news though. Ships 2 is next. Shouldn't take longer to upload than next week. After that is different alternative communities.(Punk,goth,emo,etc)

See you next class everyone.
*flops behind desk disappointed*

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