• Chapter 13 •

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"Why are you taking me away from Jinnie hyung?!" Namjoon cried, dragging his nails along the carpet dramatically. Taehyung and I rolled our eyes and continued to drag his legs to my apartment. I kicked the already unlocked door of my home. Yoongi was sleeping on the sofa, as always.

He didn't even wake up when Namjoon came in flailing his limbs like a mad man.

Thankfully, the floor was wooden, therefore I didn't have to worry about more friction burns. Taehyung immediately locked the apartment door after bolting out to prepare his plan on seducing Jungkook.

That sounds weird.

I let go of Namjoon, who just lay there on his stomach in a starfish position.

"Namjoon hyung, you're my pet, not Tae's. I'm sorry hyung." I muttered, Namjoon got up and patted my head.


We heard a hiss from the sofa and Namjoon shot a questioning look.

"What's the matter Yoongi hyung?" He asked, having no clue what happened between me and the cat hybrid.

"Did Jimin just call you a pet?" He spat out the last word like it was poisonous. Yoongi was now standing with his arms crossed. I gulped, remembering what I said.

I really didn't mean it.

"Yeah why? It's kinda true and I think it's a cute nickname!" Namjoon said gleefully, showing off his dimples. Yoongi's lips curled into a snarl.

I didn't even know that was possible.

I unconsciously tried to do it which Yoongi took as me trying to mock him. But then a flash of yellow flashed in his eyes.

"Are you mocking me Park Jimin?"

Uh oh.

Namjoon's eyes widened, in fact they were so wide, I thought they were going to join my dad's eyebrow in space. "Lone eyebrow and a pair of eyes found in space..." I would definitely watch the news if that was on there.

"Yoongi hyung?" Namjoon went in front of me, blocking me from Yoongi. But it also led to me not being able to see. This brought a question into my mind.

Has Namjoon seen this before?


"Hyung, don't make me do something I'll regret."

"Try me."

Come on Jimin think! It's not like Namjoon and Yoongi are fighting and they're probably going to kill themselves.

I was helpless. There was no way I could've stopped it.

"Come on then kitty." A deep growl from Namjoon was all that was needed for a full on fight to occur. Yoongi had leapt onto Namjoon and had started throwing punches, most of which were blocked by Namjoon. The latter kicked his opponent off him and Yoongi clashed with the corner of the coffee table. I did the only thing every parent would do.


Okay maybe not like every parent.

The yellow in their irises faded and their pupils became normal, they let go of each other, confused with what event just occurred. Yoongi said nothing whilst Namjoon started begging that I wouldn't. It took some reassurance and explaining for him to settle down. Yoongi just ran to my room, his hair flopping over his eyes as his head hung low.

"You should go talk to him because whatever happened between you two is a serious issue." Namjoon said, dabbing a tissue over his cut lip. I nodded and gingerly entered my bedroom.

If my heart could shatter anymore, then this would give me heart failure. Yoongi had his knees brought up to his chest, his head resting onto his arms so only his hair was visible and he was sitting in the corner of the room. I took a deep breath before walking up to him. I didn't even have time to react before he threw his arms around me and buried his head into my neck.

"P-Please don't p-put me up for a-adoption." He sobbed, his tears making my neck wet. I wrapped my arms around his body.

"I'm not." I whispered, "and I didn't mean what I said. Anyway, I wouldn't count that kiss as a real kiss because you didn't kiss back therefore it wasn't a touching moment and it was just awkward." Yoongi slightly chuckled. I realised I hadn't heard it in so long, I kind of missed it. I felt his ragged breathing gently returning to normal as we just stood there.

"Was you really worried about me putting you up for adoption?" He said nothing but nodded. I decided not to pry any further and just held him as he slowly started to calm down.

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