• Chapter 9 •

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"Shut up!" I groaned as I threw my poor, battered pillow at the window. The birds stared at me before flying off. Yoongi snuggled deeper into his pillow before I could snatch it away from him. Now you maybe asking why he's in my room and we are sleeping and all that.

No whatever your dirty minds are thinking, it was not that.

Basically he threatened to beat me up with a fly swatter he found under my bed. It's one of those tennis racket ones that turn electrocuted when you press a button.

Yeah I cave in easily.

But he promised not to do anything other than flirting. He better hope he does or he'll get the wrath of Park Jimin. That sounded better in my head but whatever.

Anyway I was awake and there's no way I was going outside because there was a blizzard and now Primark is shut and I can't do anything about it. Not like I was going to complain to my boss. I heard a faint knock and I nudged Hoseok. Hoseok had been staying at mine lately because he said he couldn't stand Taehyung, Jungkook and the two love birds any longer. But I knew it was because of Yoongi. When Hoseok didn't budge and I didn't even attempt to wake up Yoongi, I left my warm bed and stumbled over to the door, wearing only a pair of tracking bottoms and a tank top. I threw it open, half expecting Taehyung to shove Namjoon, Jin and Jungkook into my house and leave to catch up with his friends. You know because he has a life and I don't. However it was worse. Way worse...

It was my parents.

Dad had a stupid bandana around his head and Mum had her usual greying hair tied back in a tight ponytail. I plastered on a fake smile as they pulled me into a hug.

"Hello my little Chim Chim!" I cringed as Mum sang my nickname. I heard an explosion of laughter from my bedroom and I instantly knew the two had heard my nickname. My parents frowned when the two half-naked men walked into the living room.

Oh gosh.

The two were still giggling like school girls regardless of the fact that my parents were shooting daggers at them... and me.

"Jimin? Who are these? And why are they half naked?" Dad said, cocking an eyebrow. I felt a lump in my throat.

"We are Jimin's best friends." Hoseok said, happily bounding up to them like he usually does.

"Why are you half naked?" Dad inquired, getting slightly jealous when Mum started smiling at Hoseok. He's a little too possessive sometimes.

"Why are you asking all these questions? Don't you and your mates hang out half-naked?" Yoongi snapped. I buried my face into my hands. He's gone and done it now.

"Excuse me?"

"Oh I'm sorry, you probably have no friends." Oh no.

"Yoongi hyung!" I squeaked. He looked at me and shrugged. Dad was furious. His eye started twitching and I was now wondering whether to call a doctor or not.

"Yoongi?!" Mum said, snapping out of her trance with Hoseok. He really had a thing with the ladies didn't he?

"Oh you got be kidding me." I said, Yoongi slapping the back of my head. "Mum there are more than one Yoongi."

"Then what happened to that horrible cat and clingy dog?" I could see out of the corner of my eye that Yoongi's fists were white from the grip he had on the back of the sofa.

"I gave them to another family."

"Oh, where do they live?"

"Somewhere." I said, which just made Dad's eyebrow lift off his face. I wouldn't be surprised if it ended up in space and on the television. I could see the headlines now. "Lone eyebrow found in space".

Before I dug myself a bigger grave I decided to stand abruptly up and march over to the door.

"It was nice seeing you guys but I gotta go... do something like food shopping. Yeah food shopping. I'll see you later." I continued as I dragged them towards the door that Yoongi gladly opened. "Okay bye bye." The cat hybrid slammed the door and I sighed in relief and leaned against the door until I was sure my parents were gone.

"Hey! I was having a nice chat with your mum!" Hoseok whined. I rolled my eyes and opened the curtains, the snow was still coming down hard. I groaned, I can't believe my parents visited me and my two, still half naked, friends and one of which decided to pick a fight with my dad and one decided to flirt with my mother. I pinched the bridge of my nose. Hoseok came up behind me and rested his head on my shoulder, watching the snow in amazement. Yoongi scoffed and flopped onto the sofa.

"Jimin?" Hoseok said, his warm breath hitting my neck. "Do you wanna build a snowman?"

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