Chapter 27: Welcome To The Family

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~the next day~
Orochimaru owlishly blinked at me and Shizuka. Then Kabuto. Then Sasuke and Itachi."Nariko, who's baby is this?" Orochimaru asked, and I looked down and smiled lovingly at the sleeping infant."She's mine." I said softly. I glanced up to see them staring at me with wide eyes with their jaws dropped. Kabuto then raised a shaky hand and pointed at me."Wha- but- when did you get pregnant?!" He exclaimed, and I got an irk mark on the side of my head."Baka!" I hissed before bringing my fist down on his head."I didn't do anything with anyone! I adopted her!" I glared at Kabuto, who had crumbled to the ground with a lump where I hit him. I then looked down to see if Shizuka accidentally woke up. She was still asleep, but her nose scrunched up and she did a kitten-like sneeze before snuggling into me more. I cooed quietly at her while softly nuzzling the top of her head with my cheek while grinning. Then depression lines appeared on all of us when a fowl smell appeared. It was then that Shizuka woke up and began to silently scream and flail, but her telepathy let us know what she was saying.'Waaaaaaah! There's something squishy touching me, and it's making me feel itchy and uncomfortable! Someone get it off me! Waaaaaaah!' She cried, and I sweat dropped with my depression lines deepening."I'm going to go change her diaper." I stated duly before walking out of the room to my room."I'll help." Itachi offered while walking behind me. I sighed and activated Ningen.'Shizuka, sweetie, please calm down. I'm going to help you right now.' I said in her mind softly.'It feels so weird! I don't like it!' She cried out while squirming.'I know, sweetie, I know. It's going to be okay.' I cooed as we entered my room. I grabbed the blanket on my bed, folded it once, laid it out and put Shizuka on it after taking her out of the carrier. As I put down the duffel and took out a fresh diaper, Itachi unwrapped and took off the soiled diaper. I saw that there was still some feces on her and that it's near her lower private part."Are there any wipes?" I asked, thinking we should clean her before that private part gets infected. It would be very bad parenting if my baby gets a bladder infection. Itachi wandered around the place trying to find one, but came back empty handed. I sighed and picked up Shizuka by her armpits and carried her to my bathroom. I held her for a moment and looked at Itachi expectantly, and he paused for a second before turning the hot and cold water knobs. He put his hand in the water and waited for a moment for the water to get lukewarm before nodding at me. I placed Shizuka into the sink, but she squeaked in our minds and squirmed. When I tried getting her under the water, the water moved away from her like she had an invisible shield.'Shizuka, please calm down. I need to rinse you off. If I don't, your going to get sick.' I told her, and she whimpered before letting the water slowly come towards her. When it touch her skin, she squirmed one last time before relaxing. I sighed and wet one of my hands before grabbing some liquid hand soap out of a small bottle. I shuddered slightly as I gently rubbed the soap on the areas where there were feces, and rinsed her off. When she was completely clean, Itachi handed me a towel while turning off the water, and I wrapped her in it while gently rubbing her with it. We walked out of the bathroom, and I dried Shizuka off before putting a fresh diaper on her. I made a shadow clone before putting Shizuka into the carrier, and my clone got our bags before we all walked out of the room. We went to the training area where Orochimaru was training Sasuke, and Kabuto was leaning against the wall watching them. Orochimaru and Sasuke stopped their taijutsu spar and looked at us. We gathered around with my clone standing to the side, and we looked at Shizuka while she looked at us. She looked at them one at a time, and they had a small smile, most likely thinking she's cute. She just blinked at us, and I remembered she was technically blind because of her Kekkai Genkai."Orochimaru, I'm going to head back to Konoha." I said, and he nodded. We said our goodbyes before my clone and I began our long journey home.
~about 2 hours later~
We finally arrived at the village, and I sent my clone to the house to drop off the luggage. On my way to Tsunade's office, I heard everyone whispering and wondering why I have a baby with me. Shizuka fell back to sleep a little while ago, so she won't be disturbed by everything. When I arrived at Tsunade's office, she looked the same way Orochimaru and the others did when she saw me and Shizuka."Nariko, why do you have a baby with you?" She asked. I explained everything to her, and she nodded in understanding. She had me sign some adoption forms and I made a file on Shizuka so she can be registered into the system. Right as I was about to leave, Shizune, TonTon, Sakura and Ino entered the office. As soon as they saw Shizuka, they started gushing over how adorable she was. I sweat dropped, then remembered something."Ino, is it alright if I go with you to your house? I need to ask your father for some parenting advice." I asked since their training was done for the day. She nodded, and we walked out to the Yamanaka district. I looked down and smiled at my daughter.'Welcome to the family, Shizuka.' I thought. Yeah, it's all rainbows and butterflies now, but wait until she gets her period and goes into the rebel phase. Kurama said.'Don't remind me.' I said while sulking slightly.

A/N I'm debating on whether I should do a sequel of my version of Shippuden or to just do it in this book. I'm also going to make a Stuck in Naruto story. Still a Gaara x OC so I won't lose interest. Plz tell me what u think I should do, should I do a sequel or continue in this book?

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