Chapter 24: To Forgive And Forget

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I marched over to the living room with my hair flying and parted into nine sections (like Kushina). When I entered, Deidara, Tobi, Hidan, and Kisame were leaning all the way back on either a chair or the couch while looking like this: 😰."Have any of you seen Itachi?" I asked so sweetly that anyone would know it was fake. Kisame pointed to the hallway on my right with a shaky hand, and I turned to look. Itachi poked his head in the room with his normal expression, but I can see the nervousness in his eyes. I then grinned as if I'm about to murder him slowly."You're coming with me." I said and grabbed his cloak. He grunted in surprise and tried to pull away, but I forced him into a headlock."Your brother nearly killed my brother and was going to go rogue because of what you've been telling him. I had to stop them and show the baka the truth so that didn't happen. You're going to go to Konoha and be with your fucking brother or so help me I will make the rest of your life a living hell." I muttered in his ear before letting him go and grabbing his arm. I then looked at Tobi, causing him to flinch."You're coming too. Kakashi needs to know you're alive and you need to know the truth." I told him, and he stiffened."No, you cannot make me." Obito said, using his normal voice. Deidara jumped and all males looked at Obito with wide eyes."What the fuck?! Why do you sound like that?!" Hidan exclaimed, causing Obito to sigh. He then took off his mask to show his true self, and Itachi's breath hitched when his eyes met Obito's right Sharingan eye. The right side of his face was deformed and matched the swirls of his mask, and his left eye was closed because he gave the eye ball to Kakashi."My name isn't Tobi or Madara Uchiha. Madara is and has always been dead. I am Obito Uchiha." He told everyone, and everyone looked like they wanted to pass out from shock while Itachi was acting like a fish out of water. Obito looked directly at him and slightly smirked."Hello, cousin." He said."Yeah, nice reunion. Now let's get the fuck out of here. I need you guys to go see Kakashi and Sasuke. Oh, Obito, I need your help with the Sharingan transplant for Orochimaru and the brothers." I said, and he sighed but nodded before coming and taking my hand."Later." I said to the males still sitting before flickering us to Konoha.
We appeared in the hospital, and the staff froze before continuing what they were doing when they saw us. I dragged the males to where I sensed Tsunade, and found her with Sasuke and Kakashi. Itachi and Obito immediately tried to run, but I shoved them into the room and closed the door. Tsunade and Kakashi looked at us, and Kakashi looked like he was about to have a panic attack."Nariko, why did you-?!" Kakashi stopped talking as soon as Obito lifted his head and their eyes met. I remember Obito once using my iPod to tell me how he felt about Kakashi, and the song that came up was My Vow by Black Veil Brides. Before Obito could do anything, I used wood release: smothering binding technique to restrain him."Kakashi, tell Obito what happened the day Rin died while I talk to Tsunade, please." I requested, and he did as told while speaking quietly. I sighed and turned to Tsunade."I need your help with something that I can't do myself." I told her. She nodded, and I took that as an okay to continue."I recovered Shisui and Fugaku Uchiha's Sharingans from Danzō, and Itachi has Shisui's other Sharingan. I'm going to have Shisui's eyes be transplanted into Itachi, and Fugaku's into Sasuke. I want them to have the transplant so they don't go blind when using Mangekyō. Obito won't need it because he had some of Hashirama's blood cells injected in him so he won't go blind." I explained."Don't ask me how he got the blood transfusion, I don't know." I said when she became confused and was about to say something. I heard someone sobbing and I turn to see Kakashi hugging Obito and letting him cry on his shoulder. I let Obito go and had my arms turn back to normal as I noticed Itachi sitting in a chair next to Sasuke. I sighed and separated the two men before having Itachi lay in the bed next to Sasuke. I left Obito and Tsunade in charge of doing the transplant while Kakashi stayed to make sure nothing goes wrong. Tired after a busy and mentally exhausting day, I went home and passed out on my bed.
~one week later, third pov~
Tsunade has used anesthesia on Itachi and Sasuke so they would be asleep and not feel pain until they wake up. She hypothesized that when they woke up, however, the pain won't be excruciating. As long as they don't touch their eyes or cry, the eyes will heal nicely. She expected them to wake up after eight days. She didn't expect the anesthesia to wear off so quickly.
Itachi was the first to wake up with his eyes stinging a bit and noticing that his hands were strapped down so he didn't touch his face, but he just tried to fall back to sleep. After six minutes, Sasuke then woke up. He grunted when he realized he was strapped down completely, and slightly panicked when he realized he couldn't see and that his eyes hurt. He remembered that Nariko stopped him from leaving and he passed out when she showed him some memories. He paused when he realized they were Itachi's memories. He fought to get out of his restraints, and growled when he was unable to."Nariko! Get me out of this! Why can't I see?! Nariko!" He yelled, and froze when he heard a frustrated sigh."Sasuke, please stop. I'm trying to sleep." He heard a familiar voice mumble to his right. His head snapped to the direction of the voice, and if his eyes weren't blindfolded, they would be wide from shock."......... Itachi?" He called out quietly."Yes, it's me. Now go back to sleep." He heard Itachi mumble then sigh as he tried to shift to his side. Itachi's hands were bound to the side railings on his bed, forcing him to stay on his back. As for Sasuke, his whole body was strapped down as precaution. No one knew if he would try to escape again or try to kill Itachi once he woke up. His chest, arms, hips, and ankles were held down by straps.
(For example, I don't own this pic)

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