Chapter 13: How My Brother Became a Genin

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•next day•
Today's the day that the top academy class takes the exam to become a genin. I'm still on patrol duty, I took a break and fell asleep last night for four hours before waking up again. Right now, I have Ningen watching the kids in the classroom, and to make sure they don't know about my Rinnegan I had my paths put their forehead protectors over their eyes. Kuro and Shiro are with Ningen to see what happens, and as for the rest of my paths Annie has Kage doing laps above the village as a way of having an aerial view. So the paths at the borders of the village can sense if someone comes and Kage is helping me see what's happening from above.
Anyway, so far there isn't anything happening in the classroom and Iruka isn't here yet. Suddenly there was something like a tremor coming towards the door of the classroom. Since the forehead protector is obscuring my vision, I can't see their physical forms or their chakra. I then heard the door slam open, and heard two girls arguing about who was first."That's Sakura Haruno and Ino Yamanaka. Friends yet rivals when it comes to the Uchiha." Kuro informed me, and I nodded."It's funny how they give us confused looks but don't ask what we're doing here." Shiro snickered, and I smirked."They don't question the adults. Either that or we're too intimidating for them." Kuro said."A girl their age that seems blind and has two wolves at her side? I'd say it's the latter." I added, and the twins chuckled. I heard Naruto greet Sakura, but from her rude way of asking him to move and the thud I heard, it didn't turn out well."Dang. Kid got shot down." Kuro chuckled."Nope, looks like he's good. He's just pissed at the Uchiha now." Shiro said, and I heard Sakura yell at Naruto to get out of Sasuke's face. I decided to lift the left side of my forehead protector, and I made the right decision when I got to see a boy bump into Naruto from behind, causing Naruto and Sasuke to lock lips. It was silent for a few seconds before the twins busted up laughing, and I covered my eye again before covering my mouth with my hand as a way to hold in my laughter. I heard the two boys spitting and choking, then Sasuke saying that Naruto is dead before I heard the fangirls call him threateningly. I then became serious as I heard Shiro say that Naruto is in trouble. I quickly ran in between the girls and Naruto, and blocked all of the hits the girls tried to get on Naruto. When they stopped, I kept my hands up as defense while the twins growled at the girls.
"Go back to your seats." I ordered them, and I heard Ino scoff."Why should we listen to you?" She demanded, and I smirked before taking out my flute."Would you like to listen to some music?" I asked, and I heard Sasuke's breath hitch.'That's right. He knew Izumi, so of course he'd recognize this flute.' I thought as I put the flute to my lips while the girls laughed at me."Everyone, cover your ears!" Sasuke shouted in warning, and half the class did as told, leaving the girls as my victim (except Hinata, she's the only smart one). Before I even played a note, Iruka ran inside."Nariko! That's enough-" He was interrupted when I threw a kunai at him, it barely grazing his ear before hitting the wall behind him."Call me by the path being used, Iruka. They have names, so rather than using my actual name, use theirs." I said lowly, and I sensed the fear rolling off of him and the other students. I then felt like someone was staring at me, so I turned my head towards it."Is anyone there?" I asked, not caring who answered."No. It's just the corner of the room." Shiro said, and I sighed before opening my mind. Hiruzen. I called out, and I heard him sigh. Nariko, please don't threaten the safety of the students and their teacher. He pleaded, and I frowned while walking up to Naruto. As long as they don't threaten the safety of my brother. I replied before offering a hand to him."Here, let me help you." I said kindly, and I sensed his happiness as he took my hand. I pulled him up from the ground, and I felt the same pull from last time I was near him."Thanks! Uh, you seem familiar, but I don't remember you. There's this feeling inside of me that makes me feel like I should know you or something, but I don't know." He said, obviously confused about the pull. I just smiled and secretly did some hand signs before patting his shoulder, putting my Flying Thunder God seal on him."When your older, you will understand." I told him, quoting from the song Trust Me by the Fray. He made a sound of confusion as I walked back to the twins.
Iruka started making a speech about them becoming genin and all that, but I became distracted when I sensed someone outside the classroom. There was something...... dark about them. Like they had bad intentions for something. I frowned while looking in the direction the person was at, and Shiro hummed."I don't know who that is. I couldn't see what they looked like." He said quietly. As Iruka finished speaking and was about to exit the room, I took a gentle hold onto his right wrist as a way to not majorly startle him. We both walked out of the room into the hallway, and I had us stop in the middle of the hall."Iruka, the man in the other room. Who is he?" I asked as I let go of him."Huh? Oh, you mean Mizuki? He's a Chūnin. Why, is there something wrong?" He asked, and I frowned."There's something about him, something evil. Like he has bad intentions for something, but I don't know what it is he's after." I told him."I've known Mizuki for a very long time, Na- um, Ningen. I trust him, and I believe he won't do anything bad." He said, sounding a bit upset. My frown deepened."Iruka, you need to trust me. He's not who you think he is." I tried convincing him, but he walked away. I sighed, and muttered how boys can be so stubborn sometimes.
People were called to the next room one by one, and Kuro told me who passed and who didn't."Sasuke Uchiha." Iruka called, and the boy went to the next room. A minute later, he came back out and walked out of the building."Passed." Kuro said."Naruto Uzumaki." Naruto went to the room, and he came out a little bit after a minute. He walked passed me and out of the building, a bit slow of walking like he was dragging his feet."He didn't pass." Kuro said quietly, and I sighed frustrated."I tried to tell them that he won't be able to do it. He needs to learn the shadow clone jutsu. That's the only way he'll pass......" I said, my voice fading away as I sensed Mizuki walk past me. I moved my head, following his movement, and I can tell he's watching me too.'I still don't trust him. What is he up to?' I thought as the twins and I followed him outside."He's going to Naruto. They're talking about something. Wait, they're going somewhere." Shiro said."Follow them. Kuro, keep an eye on Naruto. Shiro, do the same with Mizuki. I think he's going to try to manipulate my brother to get something." I said, and they both went after them. I then flickered to Hiruzen to tell him my thoughts about Mizuki.
He jumped slightly when he saw me, but he's used to it to the point where he doesn't drop anything."Ningen, how may I help you?" He asked."I need to warn you about a Chūnin named Mizuki. I saw him at the graduation exam, and I sensed something inside him that wasn't good. Naruto didn't pass, and just a moment ago Mizuki took Naruto somewhere to talk. I had the twins follow and keep an eye on them, but I think Mizuki is going to try to manipulate Naruto to get something important." I told him, and I heard him inhale his smoking pipe before letting the smoke out."Alright. Take a three hour break, then continue with the patrol. If you're brother is going to steal something, he might do it later in the day. After all, it's easier to commit a crime during the night because there isn't a lot of people out to witness it. I will send a hawk to Kage as a signal showing that your brother took something, and when I do I want you to follow him and see what he will do. If Mizuki puts him in danger, you may intervene to protect him. But I want Mizuki caught alive and arrested, understood?" He said."Hai. I'll be on my way." I said before having all of my paths flicker to their chamber. I put them all in their pods and had Kage go back to his realm for the time being before deactivating my Rinnegan. I sighed and rubbed my face before going to stand up. However, I stumbled and fell to my knees. Kid, you've been sitting there almost the whole day. You're body fell asleep. Do some stretches before walking, or else you'll fall on your face. Kurama told me, and I sighed again.'I know. I just realized that my body isn't used to this. Usually when I use my Rinnegan, it's only for a few hours, but using it for more than half a day is making my body weak. I'll have to do some sort of physical training when I get more time off.' I told him, and then it was his turn to sigh. I did some stretches and flexed my muscles before getting up again. Since I have a three hour break, I'll go ahead and do some workouts before getting some more rest. I then got down and started doing twenty pushups, planning on doing crunches, planks, squats and burpees before stopping.
•time skip to the evening, third pov•
The night seemed peaceful in the Hidden Leaf village, however the job of a ninja wasn't over. Chūnin and Jounin were out searching high and low for a young boy who stole a scroll containing forbidden jutsus. Six Jounins were guarding the borders of the village, and one of their summons were scouting from the sky, camouflaged in the night. However, when a hawk from the Hokage flew towards the summon, one of the six Jounins left to help with the search. The silver haired male ran in the direction he felt that a pull within him was strongest, and soon arrived at a clearing where he found a blonde boy laying down next to a large, opened scroll. He hid in a tree as Iruka Umino arrived to scold his student, but before he could the boy said that one of the other senseis told him that if he learned a jutsu within the scroll, Iruka would make him a genin. Iruka and the silver haired male became confused, but the hiding male quickly flickered in front of the teacher and student as a large shuriken flew at them. The silver haired male caught the shuriken with both hands in front of him, but one of the points of the shuriken hit his chest before bouncing off. Not without tearing his Jounin vest and his shirt underneath, of course."Asura! Are you alright?" Iruka asked the male, and he just smirked."Of course I am. Don't you remember my ability? My skin is literally made of steel, nothing can harm me." Asura said before launching the shuriken back where it came from, cutting down a tree in the process."Well, that was a close one. I didn't expect you to come here, Nariko, but it's understandable since you'd want to protect-" Mizuki was interrupted as he revealed himself, Asura throwing strange kunais at him to disrupt his speech. However, none of them hit."Wow, your aim was terrible. I expected more from you, Red Flash." Mizuki mocked, but Asura just smirked wider."I wasn't aiming at you." He said, and slightly turned his head to Iruka."If things start to go down, take Naruto to the Hokage. He'll be safe there." He told him, and before Naruto could protest Mizuki started to laugh. He then started telling the boy about the nine tail's attack on the village twelve years ago and how it was sealed inside two newborns, a boy and a girl. Iruka was yelling at him to stop and for Naruto to not listen to him. Mizuki said that it was forbidden to tell the children of that day, then told Naruto that he was the nine tailed beast."I..... I'm what?" Naruto asked quietly, not wanting to believe that he was a demon (idr what happened so I'm just gonna wing it).
Mizuki laughed like a maniac before throwing smaller shuriken at the boy, but Asura used himself to shield him while also making sure the shuriken don't ricochet at Iruka. Naruto, frightened and confused, took the scroll and ran, Iruka yelling at him to wait."Iruka, go after him! I'll take care of Mizuki!" Asura said before taking out a kunai."Oh, I'm so scared! A little kid is threatening me with a knife!" Mizuki mocked as Iruka ran after the young blonde."You wanna know why I'm called the Red Flash? I'll show you." Asura then did a hand sign and disappeared in a flicker before quickly appearing and disappearing around Mizuki while giving him shallow cuts with his kunai. Mizuki yelled as he was being injured, Asura moving and attacking so fast that he was just a blur and all Mizuki could do was stumble around, not being able to fight back. Mizuki then found a pattern in Asura's attacks, and punched Asura right as he attacked. That was a bad idea on Mizuki's part since he broke his hand from punching someone with iron skin (like when Bella punched Jacob in the face? It's exactly like that). He yelled in pain while holding his now broken hand, but he managed to stop Asura long enough to take out a explosive tag and stick it onto Asura's chest before jumping away. Asura's eyes widened before the tag exploded, catching some nearby trees on fire.
Iruka heard the explosion in the distance, but wasn't completely concerned about his ally since that body was just a puppet that can easily be fixed according to Naruto's long lost twin sister. As for the boy himself, he didn't even notice a explosion go off. He was too busy contemplating everything Mizuki told him. He always knew he was different because of the way everyone treated him, but what really got him stuck was that he apparently had a twin. Mizuki didn't say their name, what they looked like, or if they were even alive. He was so confused that he almost missed the conversation Iruka started to have with Mizuki. Mizuki knew that Naruto was in a tree nearby, so he wanted to get Iruka to say something to make Naruto lose trust in him. However, he didn't expect him to do the complete opposite. Iruka admitted that he disliked Kurama for taking away his parents, but he doesn't blame Naruto for it or believe that he is the beast himself. This caused Naruto to silently start crying, finding a new admiration and gratitude for him. This upset Mizuki since his plan failed, and he decided to attack Iruka despite his injuries. Before he could, Naruto yelled at him, accusing him for using the boy and planning on hurting the people he cared about. Naruto then told Iruka to stand back and watch him be a hero before doing the shadow clone jutsu, making at least a hundred clones before attacking Mizuki to the point where he fell unconscious. He dispelled the jutsu as Iruka congratulated him, and Iruka gave Naruto his forehead protector as a sign that he was now a genin. Iruka then decided to take Naruto to celebrate at Ichiraku Ramen, and Naruto cheered. As the two were leaving, however, Iruka saw something at the corner of his eye and turned to find one of the other six Jounins that were guarding the border of the village. Don't tell him about me if he asks. I will tell him myself when the time comes. The female Jounin's voice echoed in his mind before quickly taking Mizuki and disappearing.
•at the Hokage's office, Nariko's pov•
"Thank you for bringing Mizuki in. I will inform his fiancé that he will be put in jail. Were there any casualties?" Hiruzen asked, and I huffed."Besides him freaking blowing up my Asura path, nothing really happened. Iruka and Naruto were unharmed." I told him through my Human path."Will you be able to repair or replace it?" He asked, and I nodded."I'm already having Naraka bring him back." I said, and saw in Naraka's vision Asura coming out of the King of Hell's mouth before it was dismissed, and also had Annie dismiss the twins."Good. Tomorrow you won't have to be on patrol anymore, at least for the time being. The new genin have already been assigned to a Jounin, and will meet them tomorrow. You will be assisting Kakashi Hatake, who will be your brother's sensei." He told me, and I deadpanned.'That lazy baka is going to teach my brother?' I thought. That's great. New schedule: meet up with the team two or three hours after the original call time, 'cause knowing him he's going to be late. Kurama said sarcastically, and I agreed.'Especially since he'd rather read his pornography than babysit a bunch of idiotic children. I still can't believe dad made that pervert Jiraiya my brother's godfather.' I told him, and just realized that Hiruzen just finished saying something."Okay. Bye." I said before having my paths flicker to me, not before missing the irk mark Hiruzen had, which probably means he realized I wasn't listening. I had my paths go into their pods, dismissed Kage, and deactivated my Rinnegan before flickering to my bedroom. However, I once again collapsed when I tried going towards my bed. I sighed in frustration before forcing myself to get onto the bed, practically dragging myself the whole way. I grumbled to myself before finally relaxing, immediately falling asleep from mental fatigue.

A/N 3189 words. Damn I wrote a lot.
Edited 1/3/18 then 1/16/18

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