Chapter 18: You've Changed......

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As I was searching, I saw Konohamaru, Moegi, Udon, and Naruto run away from an angry Sakura into a back street. I sighed again jumped then ran on the fence while following them. I saw Konohamaru run into a boy in a black........ is that a cat onesie? I don't know, he had what looked like purple makeup on with a mummy on his back. He's a puppet master. The girl behind him, which is his older sister, has wind chakra so she's a fan user. Kurama said before yawning.'Ku-kun, where've you been? I haven't heard from you in a while.' I asked, then saw the puppeteer start to bend down to grab Konohamaru. I flickered to the child and snatched him up before he got hurt."Nope, nope, nope, nope." I said while walking away."Wha-hey! Get back here!" The puppeteer ordered. He reached out to grab me, but yelped when a pebble smacked his hand. As I reach the others and put down Konohamaru, I deadpanned at Sasuke."Really, Sasuke? You used a pebble-" Shukaku. Kurama gasped, and I froze as I saw the person I was looking for upside down on a branch above Sasuke.

~third pov~

As Sasuke badmouthed Kankuro, Gaara took out his warm necklace to see it glowing brightly. He held it and looked at the genin in front of him, and his eyes locked on the girl he's been searching for for a long time. Not the same reason Nariko has, but for something much darker. Every mission that Gaara went on once he became a genin, he searched far and wide in rage for his childhood friend. After Yashamaru told him Nariko faked her feelings, he's made it his goal to find and kill her. Every time he failed, he killed more people during the night than usual. Every mission, his necklace would react faintly. He would go the direction the glow would get brighter, but after a few minutes the light would go out like she vanished. Now that he has found her, his goal will be accomplished. However, by the glint of happiness, hope, concern, and longing, he hesitated before sending his sand to engulf her. STOP! Shukaku yelled, and the sand stopped right in front of a shocked Nariko's face. Gaara clutched his head in pain, and he saw shock, hurt, and confusion flicker in her eyes."Gaara?" She whispered in absolute confusion. He growled, but before he could lash out again, Shukaku yelled at him again. Do not harm her! He told his host, and the two struggled for control.'Why do you want to defend her?! Until recently, you have been so supportive! Why the sudden change of heart?!' Gaara demanded. She was given the Rinnegan by the Sage of the Six Paths. Kurama has informed me and our siblings to protect the girl. He said, and Gaara became confused but didn't show it.
Activate your Rinnegan, Nari. The kid needs to see it. Kurama told his host. Nariko did as told without hesitation, activating her Preta path. Gaara wavered slightly as he saw her eyes change, and Nariko side glanced at the completely shocked people around her. They saw her kekkai genkai, and they didn't know what to think about it. Sasuke was the first to put the pieces together, figuring out that the silver haired ninjas with the same eyes were probably controlled by her. That's probably why he often saw them and could never find her. Nariko deactivated her Rinnegan, and Gaara growled in frustration."Gaara, what happened? Why did you try to attack me? How did you get that scar?" She asked, and Gaara showed her an irritated expression."Shut up. I will spare you this once, but the next time I see you I will kill you slowly. Kankuro, Temari, let's go." He said, and as he teleported next to them the three turned to leave."Hey, who're you to talk to her like that?! And what are you doing here anyway?!" Naruto yelled, him and Sasuke angry at him for telling the girl that. Nariko would have appreciated that even though they didn't know him, but she feels like she no longer knows him as well. The look in his eyes, the loneliness, sadness, but most of all the anger and hatred towards her stunned her. And what he said hurt her so much. She didn't understand why he hated her to the point of violence. She couldn't wrap her head around it, and it frustrated and saddened her."I am a childhood friend of hers, but no longer. And she deserves to be treated the way I showed her for what she did to me." Gaara said, and Temari told them they were there for the Chūnin exams. Her and Kankuro looked at the slowly darkening redhead girl, and they pitied her. They knew what happened, they were informed what Gaara was informed the morning after Yashamaru died. They knew Gaara wasn't lying when he said he'd kill her slowly because he did the same thing to someone just to get information about the girl.
"What is your name, and why do you say that about Nariko?" Sasuke demanded from the male redhead, calling Nariko for the first time by her name without using -sensei."I am Gaara of the Desert, and that is none of your business." Gaara said, irritating Sasuke further."It is our business if you are threatening our friend's life." Sasuke shot back, and Gaara narrowed his eyes at him."Who are you to question me?" He demanded, getting close to the point where he wants to skewer all of them with his sand."Sasuke Uchiha. This is Naruto Uzumaki and Sakura Haruno, and we're comrades of Nariko." Sasuke said. Gaara frowned."Take heed of this advice. Don't be friends with this girl. She is not who you think she is." Gaara said before turning and walking away, his older siblings following behind them.
As team 7 and team Konohamaru watched them walk away, Nariko flickered to an unknown location 7 miles away from the village. She had put a seal on a tree near a hidden flower field, and she ran when she arrived there. As she ran, tears fell down her face while her chakra cloak surrounded her. After five minutes, she fell to her knees and screamed in sorrow and agony. Her scream sent a large shockwave that collapsed the trees around her and made a crater under her. She hugged herself as she sobbed, and it started to rain as her chakra cloak faded. She took out her iPod, which is water and damage proof, and channeled her emotions and thoughts into the device. It chose a song, and she sang along with it.(decode by Paramore)

She sang her heart out, all of the sorrow and loneliness she's been feeling was projected in her voice. In a tree not too far away, Gaara was listening to her. He felt sad, guilty and regretful, but also irritation for feeling that way. He believed what his uncle told him the night he died was true, but how Nariko was reacting to his actions are showing otherwise. He didn't know who was telling the truth. He listened to the lyrics she sang, and felt that it was meant for the two of them like she was talking to him. As the song ended, so did the rain and Nariko's tears. She sighed and pocketed her iPod before she flickered to her house. Gaara, having nothing better to do, went back to the hotel he was staying at to meditate.

A/N okay so I was hoping this would be really depressing, but I only got like 50%. I feel more tired than depressed, even though my exhaustion is mental and I'm always like this because I have depression, but whatever. I tried, I failed, let's move on shall we?

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