Chapter 32: Reunited Part 1

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It's been two years now since Gaara and I have confessed to each other, and we have been in a long-distance relationship with each other. It's been a bit longer since Naruto left with Jiraiya to train, and everyone in Konoha have been anticipating their return for a while now. Sasuke returned half a year ago, and has been working under Tenzō and Itachi, who took over for me so I could train Shizuka more. To Sasuke's dismay, he was partnered with a former Root ANBU member named Sai. Sai was one of the members who was basically raised as a Root member, so he's still struggling to this day to behave normally towards others. Fortunately for him, Ino was willing to help him learn when she and Sakura stopped him from fighting Sasuke one time, using a jutsu to transfer her conscience into his and saw something in him that made her want to help him become better. Not only that, but she found him attractive since he looked similar to Sasuke, who seemed to have gradually reciprocated Sakura's love for him. The pairs often train together and go on dates when they aren't busy now.

As for my love life, I often send letters to Gaara through Kage, and when I am ordered to go to Suna as Ambassador of Konoha, I take Shizuka with me and the three of us spend time together. Temari does the same thing, her relationship with Shikamaru now known to the public since it's somewhat obvious. I couldn't help but tease her when she came to me to talk about meeting Shikamaru's parents. She had collapsed on my couch, sagging in exhaustion from having to deal with her boyfriend's typhoon of a mother. I had to remind her that she had to get used to it if she plans on marrying Shikamaru in the future, which made her embarrassed and express that Shikaku was easier to be around since him and Shikamaru act similar. She then sighed and resigned to the fact that she'll have to learn to keep up with Shikamaru's mom. I teased her again, saying that she was thinking about marrying him, and she flushed before turning and asking when mine and Gaara's wedding will be. Though it embarrassed me a bit, I simply laughed it off, saying that I'll leave it up to Gaara to decide.

Today, I was at the park watching Shizuka running around and playing with Ghost, who became her companion and summon when she turned 4. I had taught her the jutsu as a birthday present, and Ghost was the one to appear before her. She's now 4 1/2, still growing and learning to become a ninja, and is my pride and joy. I smiled as I saw her levitate herself, making her fly over the park as Ghost ran under her, ready to catch her if she falls. Soon she floated back down to me, and I took her in my arms before spinning us around, the both of us laughing. I paused and turned my head as I set her down, however, when I heard people calling out to me. I looked, and in the distance I saw Sakura smiling and waving with a boy in black and orange with spiky yellow hair and whiskers, who was grinning and waving his arm very enthusiastically. I gasped and grinned, covering my mouth with one hand as tears formed in my eyes. My brother was home, and I couldn't believe how much he'd grown.

While Sakura took her time and walked to me, Naruto quickly ran to me and hugged me, making me laugh as he stood up to his full height and lifted me with him. "Nariko-sensei! It's so good to see you again!" He exclaimed as he set me down. I continued laughing, my day feeling brighter with him around. I placed a hand on his cheek and smiled fondly at him. "It's wonderful to see you too, Naru. And look at how much you've grown! You're taller than me, now!" I giggled, trying to reach up to ruffle his hair. We both laughed as Sakura came to stand next to us with a smirk. "Hey, Naruto, there's someone else here that you should say hi to." She commented, anticipating his reaction. Naruto's eyes widened, and he whipped his head around. "Is Sasuke here, too?!" He asked, thrilled at the thought of seeing his old rival again. "No, he's currently on a mission, but should be back in a few hours." I chuckled. Naruto looked at the both of us in confusion. "Then who...?" He trailed off as Shizuka peeked out from behind me. 'Mama, who's that?' She asked in our minds, making Naruto jump and scream in fright. "Who's there?!" He called out, terrified and making Sakura and I laugh again.

I picked Shizuka back up and smiled at her as she touched my head. 'This is Naruto-oji, Shizuka. Him and I had the same Mama, but he doesn't know that, so be careful not to tell him, alright. I want to tell him myself when the time is right.' I thought, and she nodded her head. 'Can I say hi?' She asked, tilting her head to the side in question. I nodded my head, and she dropped her hand onto my shoulder as she looked at Naruto. From the slight weight on my eyes, I could tell she was looking through my eyes to see around us, but I never mind. She glanced at Sakura for a moment and offered her a sweet smile. 'Hi, Sakura-chan!' She greeted cheerfully, and Naruto jumped again as Sakura smiled in return. "Hi, Shizuka!" She replied, and Naruto looked at her like she was crazy. "Sakura-chan, who are you talking to? Who's talking in my head?!" He questioned, grabbing his head and looking like he was about to pull out his hair.

I placed a hand on one of his arms in reassurance. "Naruto, this is my daughter Shizuka. She has a kekkai genkai that keeps her from being able to hear, see or speak, but one of her abilities is that she can communicate in our minds." I explained. He gawked at us for a moment before pointing a finger at me. "Wha- you- when-?!" He stammered, his finger going from my face, to my stomach, then back again. I can't help but laugh every time someone reacts this way about me having Shizuka as my daughter. "Don't worry, Naru. She's my adoptive daughter. Did you really think I got pregnant at only 12 or 13 years old?" I questioned, and Sakura started giggling as Naruto continued stammering. Naruto jumped again as he felt a tug in his mind. 'Can I see?' Shizuka asked shyly. "See what?" He asked, his brows furrowing in confusion. "Part of her way of communicating and getting to know you is looking through your memories. She's asking for your permission." I explained. "Ohhh." Naruto said in realization before nodding.

As a precaution, I activated my Rinnegan and delved into Naruto's mind with Shizuka. I stood by just in case she was accidentally pulled out of Naruto's memories and to Yang-Kurama, who I could still sense was hostile, and I didn't want him hurting my daughter. Fortunately, I didn't have to intervene, as Shizuka finished looking through Naruto's memories within the minute. We both pulled away from his mind, and as I deactivated my Rinnegan, I noticed that Shizuka was crying. She looked heartbroken with tears running down her face, and she shook from her silent sobs. 'Oji-san. Oji-san.' She cried repeatedly, reaching out to Naruto for him to hold her. His eyes widened at the name she gave him, but he gave her a sad smile and took her in his arms, rubbing her back as she clutched onto him and hid her face in the crook of his neck. "It's alright, Shizuka-chan. I'm happier now than I was when I was younger. I may not have an actual family, but I have a home here in Konoha, and I have amazing friends like Sakura-chan and Nariko-sensei." He said, looking at Sakura and I and giving us a brighter smile, one that we returned gladly. "So there's no need to cry, Shizuka-chan. I'm alright, believe it." He continued, and Shizuka hiccuped before nodding, straightening herself and rubbing her eyes.

Suddenly, we heard a whizzing sound, and our attention turned to multiple kunai aim right at Naruto and Shizuka. We quickly jumped away, and Sakura and I checked to see if they were both okay, me especially fretting over their well-being. "Well, look who's decided to come back." A voice said, and we all looked up to see Sasuke in a nearby tree, smirking down at us. "Took you long enough, dobe."

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