Chapter 38: Torture

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When I opened my eyes, I was in Kurama's seal chamber. The only difference was that the gate was gone. Like the other Jinchuurikis, I had undergone the same training as them so I could have completed access with Kurama. I had done it at night when everyone was asleep. The only problem I had was with my inner darkness, but that didn't take long for me to solve.

Kurama was sitting in front of me with a solemn look, and as I was taking a step towards him to speak to him, he cringed in pain. I also winced in pain, a burning sensation on my abdomen, and a wall seemed to form between me and Kurama before I was pulled away.

I woke up to the burning on my stomach, arching my back as I groaned in pain, but my voice was muffled. I realized I was completely bound. I was blindfolded and gagged as I laid on a bed or table, my arms and legs tied down by chains. With how exhausted I felt, either whatever was in the needles that I was stuck with were still in effect, or these were chakra chains, draining my energy and keeping me weak. To my surprise, the gag was roughly removed from my face, making me cough a bit.

"So, you've woken up, Red Flash. I would have thought it'd be harder to capture you, but you're more gullible than I thought." A man spoke, and I tilted my head to him. "Who are you? What do you want from me?" I demanded, and him and other people in the room chuckled. "I suppose I can tell you. You're not leaving here alive, either way." He said, and I felt my blood turn cold.

"We are the new Akatsuki. We were followers and believers of the original Akatsuki that you tricked into disbanding. I am the leader of the Akatsuki. I suppose you could say each of the members are copycats of the original Akatsuki members." He began, and I huffed. "So, you're supposed to be the new Pein?" I questioned. "In a way. The only difference is that I don't have the Rinnegan like you and he do." He replied, and I felt someone touch the blindfold over my eyes, making me flinch away.

"Our goal is the same as the original Akatsuki. Capture the Bijuu, gather followers and money for the cause, and start a war to end all wars, destroying the ninja society. However, it's difficult for us to do so with you in our way." He told me, and I hissed in pain as his other hand pressed on my abdomen. "Not only are you one of the Jinchuuriki for the Kyuubi, but you also have the Rinnegan and possess the same abilities as your deceased parents. You also have almost all the ninja society wrapped around your finger. Once we extract the Kyuubi and Rinnegan from you, you will die, and the war will begin. We have followers throughout the nations who have infiltrated all the ninja villages, or those who support them. They will cripple the ninjas from within while we attack from the outside." He continued, and I shakily laughed, increasing the pain in my abdomen. "You won't succeed. Even without me, the Hidden villages have united, and the Jinchuurikis have full control of their Bijuu. They'll crush you before you can do too much damage." I said.

"We'll see about that. For now, we must prepare to extract your eyes and implant them into me. Goodbye for now, Nariko Namikaze." He replied, and I cringed away as he pet my hair before leaving.

~time skip~

I don't know how much time has passed.

The false Akatsuki tried doing the extraction procedure on my eyes multiple times. However, despite the fact I was bound with chakra chains and had the Five-Pronged Seal on me, which was what the burning was, Kurama kept surfacing in my defense. He kept putting me in my version 1 chakra form with each of the tails in that form appearing. Or he would simply use his powerful presence to make them back away when they looked in my eyes. Each time it happened, though, the Akatsuki members would hurt me. They'd take turns using their jutsus on me, and I'm pretty sure the Sasori imposter put weak poison in me at one point because it's felt like my blood is on fire this past while.

So much time must have passed. I don't know if the villages know I'm missing yet, or if they've started searching for me. They haven't found me yet, which means they must be having trouble finding the hideout. I sighed in exhaustion, but tried to reach out to Kurama. 'Kurama, can you hear me?' I called, wincing as the burning on my stomach worsened. 'Kid, I'm here. Do you have a plan?' Kurama responded, though his voice was faint.

I took a deep breath, trying to use the old techniques Otōsan taught me to suppress the pain. 'Yes. I need to release you from inside me.' I told him. 'What? Nariko, you can't. You may be an Uzumaki, but with how hurt and weak you are right now, you might die.' Kurama protested. 'I know, but the others are struggling to find this place. I need you to go back to the Leaf, gather everyone, and show them where the hideout is. I also need you to tell Tsunade and the other Kages of the traitors in the villages so they can stop them.' I explained. 'Nariko-' 'Kurama, please. I need you to do this. You're the only one who can.' I interrupted him with a plea.

'... All right, but you better still be alive when I get back.' Kurama said reluctantly, and I smiled. 'Don't worry. Like you said, I'm an Uzumaki, too. I can't be killed easily. And they won't be able to take the Rinnegan from me.' I reassured.

With a deep breath, I focused with Kurama to undo the seal on my stomach. The burning intensified, but I ignored it until I felt something snap within me. Suddenly, I felt small paws on my stomach, and they trotted up my body before my gag and blindfold were removed. "Nariko?" Kurama asked, and I giggled as I weakly opened my eyes to look at him. "I don't think I've seen you in your kit form before. You're so cute." I said a bit teasingly, and he deadpanned. "Now's not the time for jokes, kid." He reminded me. "I know." I replied with a warm smile as I looked him over.

If my hands were free, I would have petted him, but all I could do was gaze tiredly at him. "I promised Hagoromo-san that I would protect you and the others. I'm sorry I couldn't keep that promise, but you'll be safe with Naru and our friends at the Leaf." I murmured, and Kurama's eyes began to fill with tears. He nuzzled my face, a few of his tears landing on my cheek as he did. "Promise me you won't die before I bring them here." He ordered, his voice wavering from his unsteady emotions. I couldn't help crying, too, feeling my heart break as I smiled at my life-long friend. "I promise." I whispered, though we both knew I might not be able to keep it.

Kurama nodded before backing up and hopping down to the ground. He used one of his tails, stretching it longer so he could open the door to leave, but before he ran off, he looked back at me in worry and hesitance. "It's okay, Ku-kun. Go." I reassured softly. Kurama hesitated for another second before dashing away, and I silently cried, praying that he'll get to Naruto safely.

I don't know how much time went by after Kurama left, but the Akatsuki leader eventually rushed into the room. I guess he noticed the door was left open, and his eyes immediately fell on me with a deadly glare. "What did you do?" He demanded as he stormed up to me, noticing that someone removed my gag and blindfold. "I won't tell." I chuckled a bit mockingly.

His eyes widened as he had a horrible idea, and he quickly lifted up the bottom of my shirt, finding the seal on it gone. "You released the Kyuubi?!" He roared as he wrapped a hand around my neck, choking me, but I just grinned. "You were dumb to think I'd let you have him." I rasped.

He growled before yelling for the Kakuzu imposter. The man ran in, looking a bit frightened by how angry his leader was. "Tell the others to send out a search squad. The Kyuubi was released, and we need to capture it before it reaches one of the Hidden villages. And prepare for the eye transplants, I want the Rinnegan implanted within me immediately!" The leader ordered, and the Kakuzu imposter nodded before running off.

The procedure was painful, but once my eyes were gone and I could no longer see, I began laughing. "What's so funny, hm?" The Deidara imposter questioned from the back of the room. "Did you really think it'd be that easy to take the Rinnegan from me? The Sage of the Six Paths gave me that Dōjutsu. He chose me to wield it. It will never be taken from me no matter how many times you pull my eyes out of my head!" I laughed, and I heard a growl with a squelching sound. "You keep taking things from us, child, so we'll take something from you. Even if you make it out of here alive, your precious Gaara and his village won't want you after this." The Kakuzu imposter told me darkly.

I couldn't see anymore, but I could still feel what was happening to me since I wasn't given any pain medication. I felt something sharp cut into my abdomen, and I screamed, my pained voice echoing off the walls. It didn't take long for me to feel him take something out of me, and he laughed. "Now you won't be able to bear the Kazekage's children." He said, and even though I was bleeding out, I immediately felt cold. I knew what he meant. They took my womb.

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